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  1. CoffeeHorse

    Campaign Texts Archive

    It's all my fault. Mister President, I'm 103 pounds. I don't think one of your shirts is going to fit me.
  2. CoffeeHorse

    The Repaint Concept Thread

    It's surprising that this didn't happen. They have that head and never made a single normal Seeker with it.
  3. CoffeeHorse

    Biden-Harris / Dems

    He's not just chiming in as an actor. He's chiming in as one of the party's biggest fundraisers. If he's out, his whole donor network might be out.
  4. CoffeeHorse

    Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts

    Well, these mirrors are more interesting than I immediately expected. I still don't like G5 music. TYT got the memo that MLP games are platformers now. Why would you not go through the portal? Don't you trust this place? Stahp. I think the writers are tired of the introdumps too, because it...
  5. CoffeeHorse

    Fnu Draw Thread (Drawversary 2022)

    It probably sounds more dramatic than it was. Everyone along the way told me I would probably be fine, and they were right. The arresting officers actually tried to get it dropped on scene after talking with me for a while. They couldn't, but they knew it probably would be dropped eventually...
  6. CoffeeHorse

    Campaign Texts Archive

  7. CoffeeHorse

    Fnu Draw Thread (Drawversary 2022)

    So that thing I was working on obviously got derailed. Something happened that was a major distraction on top of distractions. I'm still not going to talk a lot about it but it's time to at least say this much. I got arrested! And I got charged with something I did not do. The good news is I...
  8. CoffeeHorse

    [IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP

    Symphony nods softly. "I-I'll try... but I can't exactly promise anything.. W-When my 'flight' response is triggered, I'm not exactly thinking of anything but 'Run!'" She says taking another deep breath. "It's probably a good idea that um.. If I am running... It might be a good option to follow...
  9. CoffeeHorse

    [IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP

    Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen) "I-I don't have direct access. I was just going to head to Canterlot and...and hope I could gain an audience since what I'm doing is important. ... Go ahead and read it. For as much as I don't want to invade her privacy...I need to know the truth." "Thank...
  10. CoffeeHorse

    [IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP

    Spoiler As he had settled at the table with the others, Scarlet nodded to the nameless returning player from yesterday and was about to ask for their name... when ‘Red’ walked over. He was smirking. Managing to suppress a resigned sigh at the pegasus words, Scarlet outwardly smiled. ”The game...
  11. CoffeeHorse

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    In my book it's not definitive until they do something with the front of the treads instead of just lazily dumping them on Megatron's back.
  12. CoffeeHorse

    Campaign Texts Archive

    It's a beer cooler.
  13. CoffeeHorse

    The "What made you happy today" thread!

    I love my neighbors.
  14. CoffeeHorse

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    Checkers is still pretty reasonable.
  15. CoffeeHorse

    Random Thoughts From Out of Nowhere

    I miss when Taco Bell was cheap.
  16. CoffeeHorse

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    You know that's going to happen now.
  17. CoffeeHorse

    Campaign Texts Archive

    It's the old red hat.
  18. CoffeeHorse

    [IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP

    "Eh hem! Remember the mare I told you about? The one that threatened me and made a mockery of the police?" *touch touch touch* "I don't think it's missing. I think she was using your library for storage. Given it was her pocket space that was storing this book and the same pocket space that...
  19. CoffeeHorse

    [IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP

    Static glances at the transmitter. "Can't wait!" He then looks at the journel Square pulls out. "Sure, go ahead. I'll make sure to keep an eye out for trouble while you go look." She makes an expression that seems to hint at a wink. Spoiler Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen) Static...

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