IDW G5 Kenbucky Roller Derby #5


Well-known member
Previously, on My Little Pony...

Wow, who could have guessed THAT many pegasi could roost in a building's rafters like that? You wouldn't think the building could support their weight,

We've reached the finish line! It's time for..

So, how is it?

Well, art wise I don't have much to complain about. The artwork is still lively and fun. Everyone's expressive. The chins remain weird to me, but it's a unique style and I don't hate it.

Story wise, this is just okay. We still have some wonderful puns in this issue. Which...can be a positive or a negative depending on if you're a connoisseur of the punning arts. We have to pack an entire tournament into one issue, because they built up the tournament so much, they only have enough time to actually show two races. So, that's a bit of a negative. But, there is a bit of a twist in this issue, too. But, the main "villains", the bullies, kind of just...fizzle out by the end of the issue. They kind of get their comeuppance but they also kind of just disappear.

I think overall, I can sum up this particular miniseries as "uneven". Especially with having a different artist right in the middle with issue #3. There's some good stuff in this miniseries, for sure. But, there's also a few kind of amateurish storytelling decisions. This miniseries feels like it could have had better planning, maybe. Some things just don't feel like they were paced well, or set up quite as strongly as they could have been. Of course, maybe they had a plan, and had to change it at the last minuet, due to whatever happened with issue #3. Something might have happened that we don't know about. It's hard to say. Overall, this entire miniseries kind of averages out to being just fine. But, I feel like it could have been really memorable and better with a little more tightening of the story and re-arranging a few things. Honestly, it kind of feels like this entire story was originally a oversized one-shot that got turned into a miniseries at the last minute, sometimes.

Still, I had fun with it. It was still a enjoyable time, even though I really have no connection to the sport of roller derby. It wasn't good enough that it made me want to try it out. But, it did make it look fun. So, I think it's more successful than I might make it sound. I kind of hope this team gets another chance with another miniseries. They have some improving to do, but I think we could get something really good, with a little more practice.

Izzy discovers sparkly glitter wheels. The world will never be the same!

Whinny Streak. They have a list of these punny names to get through and we're gonna get ALL of them!

Nervous Sunny is nervous. "Sunny Spacescout" indeed!

Aww, and they even meet a non-mean roller derby team that wants to warm up with them before the big competition. Too bad the bully ponies are still around to try and sabotage them.

Oof! Hitch's faceplant is actually painful to see. Hitch ends up straining his leg and can't compete! *SIGH* Well, you know what you have to do, Sunny. *hands her a mallet*

So who can fill in and save the day? I have half expecting Tracy to join in.

But, oh yeah, Misty was in this comic, wasn't she?! Misty quits the other team and joins them just in time!

Apparently, even the pony world is not free from werid, emote-only texters!

And so, the tournament begins!

...And then we're at the finals, because this is the final issue! I kind of wish they gave us more time with the actual tournament that the entire series has been building up to than half a issue, but...oh well.

"How many times have we done this now, PJ?" "You and I are on are thirty-third year, but your mustache is on it's forty-second!" Colt Colburn inherited this mustache from his father before him! PJ is actually kind of obsessed with his mustache since she keeps talking about it. They're the sports announcers by the way.

It seems like purposely leaving a trail of pegasnail goo on the rink should be illegal. But, I guess there's no rule against it?! Air Bud rules, I guess.

Brawlipop is such a name! I appreciate it.

And oh gosh! There's a reason they keep talking about the announcer's mustache! Someone must be under a spell, because it's growing in every panel!

And I guess the bully team really wasn't important at all, because they lost the tournament and the actual championship match is against the friendly team they just met this issue! The bully team just completely disappears from the story after they lose to Sunny. Which I guess is...fine. It would have been nice if they said sorry or something but...fine.

Misty needing a second to hype herself up is a nice little character moment.

And Sunny's team ends up getting second place. Fair. They did just start training this year. That other friendly team has been entering this tournament for the last half-decade. But, everyone's happy!
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