IDW G5 Kenbucky Roller Derby #4


Well-known member
Previously, on My Little Pony...

And don't think we'd forget to introduce our backup team! Fetlocked and Loaded! Cannon Dancer! Withering Stare! Mustang Sally! Carrot Riot! Golden Barb! Tuft Cookie! And Arabian Knight!

Sunny realizes that Roller Derby is a method of contacting alien life in....

So, how is it?

Well, the artist from the first two issues is back. So, that's a good news, right there! The art's still lively and fun! This artist is still pretty good!

Writing wise...oddly enough, it does kind of feel like we skipped a issue. Makes you wonder if issue #3 was always supposed to be a full flashback issue. There's just a little bit of a timeskip here. And...stuff kind of just happens in this issue. It feels like they crammed a bunch of ideas in here without really fleshing a lot of it out. There's just too many twists and turns for this comic's own good. And it feels like certain characters should have a more active role in this story, given the way it decided to go. (I'm looking at you Hitch!).

So, this particular issue is a little bit of a mess. But, kind of a fun mess? I had fun with it. It kept things interesting, at least. They're throwing so much at the wall, that you're almost bound to enjoy some parts of this. It's not the most expertly plotted comic ever. But, it has fun ideas and decent art. So, it's still pretty passable, I think. I'm enjoying it...but I'll admit that a lot of things just don't add up that well.

"It's giving cheese wedge and we're going for pyramid." If I had a nickel for every time I heard that classic phrase...

Izzy has been BUSY! Drawing up game plans! Designing dummies that look like their enemies! She's had a productive week!

But, Sunny forgot to pay the entrance fee to even enter this contest. Rookie mistake...literally.

"I can totally lend you the money...well, technically it'd be from the royal vaults, but it's for the community, so problem solved" Friendship is embezzlement! Also...HOW is winning this contest in a bid to spite some bullies "for the community"?

"It doesn't feel right to let YOU fix it for me" Meh, it's just Pipp's turn to contribute to the plot. By stealing from the taxpayers.

*SIGH* Even in the comic though, we can't escape mention of Sparky's...bodily emissions.

Ponies with swords! So THAT'S how that'd work! Zipp's got the right idea!

So, Sunny decides to just combine everyone's fundraising ideas into one big event. I'm sure that will go totally smoothly. Or...smoothie-ly...heh.

And, um, I guess Sunny's team has been in some matches off-screen? They have a fan! We probably should have actually SEEN some of those matches, but...whatever. I guess. I get the feeling that those matches would have been in a different version of issue #3.

Izzy is starting to customize her miniatures. It's too late for her. Games Workshop owns her soul now! And her pocketbook!

I feel like they spent a lot of time coming up with ideas for this Garbage and Gargoyles game. I kind of wish we had done a miniseries about THAT instead of roller derby, but maybe we can get a D&D inspired mini later on. Hasbro, get on making this a real thing! Why not?

"Can you help me fill some cups?" Phrasing, Izzy...

So much wasted juice. The horror...the horror...

Hey, we actually get to see ONE of the matches before the big championship match next issue. Against the Zephyr Knights! Love the name!

"And she ordered a VERY NORMAL amount of pizza" Pipp's really going all in on using up all that money in the royal treasury before it gets stale, isn't she? Mind...I'd still eat that pizza. It'd be rude not to.

So...they spent a bunch of money upgrading their training area and ordering a bunch of pizza, all to make their fundraiser happen. Why couldn't they have used THAT money for the entrance fee, again? Look, either these ponies need money or they don't. Pick a lane, comic!

But the bully team...stole EVERYTHING for the fundraiser. Including the pizza! Call the cops! Wait...Hitch, shouldn't you be on this?

"Even the disco ball is gone" Those groovy ghoulies!

But, then Izzy basically tricks everyone who came to their fundraiser into thinking this is some sort of Crime Mystery Dinner. She gets them to try to track down clues for where all their stuff went. That's...kind of a awesome move, Izzy. Major creatively and charisma points. Although, this BARELY has anything to do with her tabletop game. I guess it sort of counts as DMing.

And then Tracy congratulates...Sunny for telling Izzy to do this? Because that makes her a...good leader? Okay, fine. It feels a little forced, though. It doesn't feel like Sunny earned that. But, whatever.

And then the bullies show up to gloat...only to (really stupidly) reveal to everyone right away that they did indeed steal all the things. Hitch? Maybe you could do your job, here, buddy? No? Okay.

But, they manage to raise enough money to earn the entrance fee,'s all good, I guess?

And I guess next issue will be all about that final championship already. They've mentioned it every issue and it still feels like they didn't actually build up to it enough.
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