Creative Crap


Nonstop Baaka
Post your own artsy fartsy stuff here! All skill levels and mediums welcome! (Yes, I know we have an art subforum, but it's mostly TF/robot centric).

Anyway, I picked up a cheap little Boogie Board to write down my work breaks so I don't have to waste paper. Naturally I had to doodle on it. On yeah, I was meaning to make myself a new avatar.
Creepy Zombpony eye.


Haze Arquebus

Cursed Punweaver
Oh, those seem neat. I'd be tempted to try and give one a go for something to doodle on away from my desk, but i feel like it might be just a bit too limited, looking at the website. No talk of pen pressure or different brush sizes I can find.

One good zombie deserves another, though!



Nonstop Baaka
Ooh, I love the expression and perspective you got in the fingers.

The Boogie board I got ($10 model) has some pressure sensitivity, but not much. There's only one stylus nib size, afaik.
Top line is max pressure, then less and less. I wouldn't count on this for anything too detailed. I tried to draw Zompony's full head, but the lines ended up blending into each other. There's also some "bleeding", which is more obvious with more pressure. On a side note, the lines aren't that bright at some angles. I wouldn't use this for anything other than quick notes and doodles.


Nonstop Baaka
Oh yeah, completely forgot about this thread.
This is a bit of a ramble. I'm not a particularly organized person, except when it comes to my colored pencils and markers. I tend to memorize the position in the tray, which helps me get the color I want. So here's something that I'm being anal about:


I've had this same set of colored pencils (minus one that got lost, and I got a single pencil to replace it) since high school, I think? The outer tin case is fine, but the inner plastic trays are falling apart. As you can probably tell, I've switched them around and taped/glued them, but they won't last too much longer. I can't use anything too bulky to fix it, or the case won't close anymore. I've been looking for replacement trays, or a pencil box that would keep the pencils from mixing up (so I can remember the position).

There's soft cases with elastic but the thought of slipping them in/out of the elastic every time irritates me.
I could get a cheap set if a similar size and replace the pencils, but I would feel bad about not using the cheap ones (and the case might not last long).
There's organizers where I can stand up pencils individually, but I also need a case I can close/hide since I have a goblin cat that likes to steal.
I've kept an eye out at flea markets and secondhand stores, but haven't seen anything that would work right.

I'm a bit tempted to get myself a new set of pencils with more colors, but as frequently as I use my current set, I color lightly and it feels like a waste to not wear them down more. A lot of it is just that I'm so used to this old set, I guess. I usually don't mind change, but this is one thing I can't make up my mind on.

Ideally, I want something like this, only empty. Zero luck over the years.
I did find some other boxes online that could work, but aren't ideal. I should try the art stores one more time. Unless, I wonder if I could make a case?

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