Transformers: Reactivate (console MMO)


Staff member
Council of Elders
From the front page, and as reported by GameRant. Leaks supposedly coming from developer Certain Affinity, per content creator RoboGamer1HD.

(video just discusses the leaks, which are supposedly "100% confirmed").


Princess Viola

Dumbass Asexual
Yeah honestly speaking with this game never having been formally announced (despite its existence having been leaked since at least 2019), I'd put good money on this game having quietly been cancelled (again, because it was never actually announced) and these are just cutscenes from a project that will now never will see the light of day.

Agent X

Kreon Bastard
If it's something that'll actually get released, it'll probably be less of an MMO and more of a LivE ServICe.

And I'll give it 2 years. Tops.


singularly focused
Y'know you think after all these years I'd be over jagex pivoting their transformers mmo into a "MOTA", but I still ponder about what could have been regularly.
It'd be nice if one of these could get off the ground, outside of Asia, eventually.

Unfortunately I feel like that'd involve actually investing in like... writing, and marketing

Undead Scottsman

Well-known member
I was shocked when I suggested they make a Transformers hero shooter (ala Overwatch) and it turned out there was one released overeas that never came out in the west, and that it apparently was a little too much like Overwatch.

Honestly I just want a good TF game again.

Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
The Game Awards featured the first teaser for the game. Should be up before too much longer. It's...a bit different than I expected. The game got renamed "Transformers ReActivate"


singularly focused
the logo at the end took me by complete surprise.
I was half paying attention and wasn't expecting this realistic trailer full of humans to be a transformers game lol

I look forward to trying to play it with my girlfriends.


Well-known member
Yes, I am totally interested in this game that totally isn't just a random sci-fi shooter game, and totally for reals a transformer games which is why they just completely packed that trailer with 'yes we're totally a transformers game, for realises' moments and not just slapping the name on at the last minute becuase we got a liscenes.


Well-known member
I'm willing to believe the concept behind the announcement trailer was "Let's make it look like a real big budget FPS game and then surprise them at the end with the fact that it's Transformers." Certainly felt like that Standing up and being surprisingly tall and then the yellow robo hands at the end was meant as a surprising reveal.

and while it might not be the best way to sell a game to us TF fans who are already on board with TFs and want to see more of them, the idea was probably to catch the attention of non TF fan gamers with the fact that this "real" looking video game is (surprise) Transformers.

-ZacWilliam, I think it'll come down to what things look like in later trailers when they actually show the game not just announce its existence.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I'm willing to believe the concept behind the announcement trailer was "Let's make it look like a real big budget FPS game and then surprise them at the end with the fact that it's Transformers." Certainly felt like that Standing up and being surprisingly tall and then the yellow robo hands at the end was meant as a surprising reveal.

and while it might not be the best way to sell a game to us TF fans who are already on board with TFs and want to see more of them, the idea was probably to catch the attention of non TF fan gamers with the fact that this "real" looking video game is (surprise) Transformers.

-ZacWilliam, I think it'll come down to what things look like in later trailers when they actually show the game not just announce its existence.
I mean, it worked. I was watching, and when I saw the hands, I was like, "wow, too bad this isn't a Transformers game."

And then it was a Transformers game.

That said, I hope the single-player component is good.


NOT a New Member.
The Game Awards featured the first teaser for the game. Should be up before too much longer. It's...a bit different than I expected. The game got renamed "Transformers ReActivate"
Anyone who's seen this (NSFW) film clip* would have pretty good idea of what to expect:


(*WARNING: - Video clip contains one "f-word" so viewer discretion is advised).


Well-known member
I mean, it worked. I was watching, and when I saw the hands, I was like, "wow, too bad this isn't a Transformers game."

And then it was a Transformers game.

That said, I hope the single-player component is good.

While I'm left wondering "How desperate for content must a person be to be excited over this 'in-name-only' Transformers game?'


Well-known member
Your judging REALLY REALLY Prematurely.

It's an announcement teaser trailer. It's literally a brief cinema meant to say "we're making a game" and that's it. There's no gameplay or simulated gameplay shown. It doesn't even reveal it's about TFs till the last second of the trailer.

You have absolutely Zero idea what this game is going to be like in any way.

-ZacWilliam, have just a tiny bit of chill till we've seen absolutely anything.


Well-known member
If you don't want your product to be judged on what it looks like, then don't put it out there. The onus of proof is on them to convince me that this is worth any kinda of investment and not "we slapped TF models into this game at the last second to get it funded." Which is what they are currently telling me.

Becuase be honest, how many of you would be anywhere near as interested in this game if it had been 100% the same trailer, but the title was "Robo Savior" or something?


Well-known member
It's not showing you anything, that's the point. It's an an anuncement trailer. It's just telling you they're making a game.

There is zero information here on what that game will be like actual gameplay wise or how much TFs will be part of it.

They didn't tell you T Fs won't be a big part of this game, they've said "We're making a TF game" and you made the rest of that up.

-ZacWilliam, again wait till they've actually shown ANYTHING about what this game will actually be.

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