It’s happening. Fortress Maximus, 2016’s Titan class figure from the Titans Return toyline is getting reissued, similar to WFC: Siege Jetfire and WFC: Earthrise Sky Lynx in recent years. For anyone who had to skip or miss out due to price concerns at the time, maybe now is better for your wallet? Here’s to second chances. Either way, Fruitloop Multipuck is back!
Among other venues, Hasbro Pulse and Entertainment Earth have both opened preorders for a reissue of ol’ Forktongue Maxiface, with Pulse listing it at $199.99. Preorders have so far sold out, but they can drift back in stock at some point as tends to happen.
The Fortress Maximus reissue is slated for release in Q1 2024.
Did you manage to get the original Fullstrength Motleypuss? Did you miss out, and are you jumping on this once it gets back in stock? Tell us about it on the Allspark Facebook page, on our partnered Discord at, and on the Allspark Forums !