With near 14 days and 9 hours and counting, today monday 28 of November Deathsaurus has been officially backed with a total of 12’319 backers and counting as of the time of writing, this means that the emperor of destruction will go into production now, as a reminder the campaign ends on the 13 of December and if you still haven’t picked up yours now’s the time to do so since now that we’ve collectively gotten the figure funded now what remains is to get the tiers for the project, the first tier will be unlocked after 14’000 backers have funded the figure which might be soon if the rate at which is getting backed is any indication to go by.
So have you gotten yours yet? do you think it’ll reach all the tiers or will it destron your wallet? let us know on the Allspark Facebook page , on our partnered Discord at discord.gg/allspark , and on the Allspark Forums !