We have another look behind the scenes. This time designer Mark Maher is showing off Transformers Legacy United Squeezeplay.
Mastaaaaahhhhhfoorrcceee! Cancer aka Squeezeplay is ready to transtectorize your collection.😅 Lets get into this glorious headmaster deluxe figure shall we!
I kicked this king cobra crabbed maniac off with the great Hasui san and he was like, grotesque partial 🤣, how about Mindwipe 🤯!! Hasui san has just been on an epic tear of pure excellence for figure development! So I just climbed into the backseat on this one and let the master work his force magic.
As you can see I just couldn’t break out my Fangry thats minty fresh in the 4 pack. That was a special item for me and I just couldnt break the seal. This karate krab killah looks spectacular alongside some characters from the Masterforce show that we luckily got to make in Legacy.
Its been a wild ride folks, I really can’t believe I’ve been able to get characters like these put out there to all you fans. Even if you havent seen the japanese animations, this guy places in seamlessly with all the other monstercons. The browning pistol, the colors, the new parts on the headmaster Lokos, the sculpt, the pure fun is non stop. I really got carried away on this shoot, the monster mode is actually hard to put down.
Oh, I still have to get into 2 more figures in this pack! 😣 doh! Coming soon, more cool stuffs!!! 🫡
Source: Instagram
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