
Destron D-69

currently First timing Ranma, doing a rewatch of Rayearth that's basically a 2nd first time since it's been so long.. lol I forgot Rogue from X-men was in it (I mean the voice actor obviously lol) and also watching this weird all girl school anime that was also on Roku called Dear Brother "i think" can't remember off the top of my head at the moment since i'm a little sleep deprived atm. let me see if I can find an image...

the plot is about a recently graduated middle-school girl who goes to a fancy uppercrusty private highschool that has its own weird secret sorority and they're all lesbians and catty bitches and the main character (girl on our left) writes about her adventures and mishaps to her penpal "big brother" who she thinks is just a nice substitute teacher she had for a week during her last year in middle school but he actually is the son of her father from a previous marriage that she didn't know about because it turns out she was an affair baby or something.. so any-who the guy is her big brother. Also a bunch of the older girls in the school look like dudes designed like Vampire hunter D...

it's based on the manga by Ikeda Riyoko from 1974 and was made into an anime in the early 90's

going to see how it plays out, it's not often I run across and anime with a lot of french influences in it so this is fun

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