Ninja Turtles - Cowabunga!

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
In other news -- good news for me, potentially, and anyone else looking to catch up on IDW!

There's just one teensy little detail that's giving me pause...

This is new. Does this work anything like ComiXology/Kindle, insomuch as how you can read them? I tend to read most new comics on my phone now, and go panel-by-panel.

Last time I got a Humble Bundle was for Transformers, it didn't have any of that, and I wound up barely using it, and rebuying the books digitally on sale from Amazon later.

But if its mobile-reader-friendly like that, then this is just what I need! Sure, it won't be in my Kindle library, which is a shame, but landing the whole lot for CA$24.70 is probably worth it!
Okay, so since no one here knew, I decided to check it out myself.

First, the Kobo app requires iOS 16 minimum to run. Fortunately, my wife had that... and the app, as it turns out.

She bought just the first book as a test, and redeeming it was quite a pain that was pissing her off by the end, but she got it to work and downloaded it.

Yeah, no panel-by-panel function, just page by page.

All things considered, I'm just going to wait for ComiXology/Kindle sales and get it there.



NOT a New Member.
Okay, so since no one here knew, I decided to check it out myself.

First, the Kobo app requires iOS 16 minimum to run. Fortunately, my wife had that... and the app, as it turns out.

She bought just the first book as a test, and redeeming it was quite a pain that was pissing her off by the end, but she got it to work and downloaded it.

Yeah, no panel-by-panel function, just page by page.

All things considered, I'm just going to wait for ComiXology/Kindle sales and get it there.

i used Kobo once (as I think it used to be under a different name or was once a better app?), just after it was "updated" (sorry my memory is rather foggy about it).

It was on Android and all I can remember was that it was absolute dogsh*t.


Koopaling Aficionado
So theres not an option to just download pdfs or high quality images of the whole books? Like with previous TF comic bundles?

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
Not that I'm aware of; I think it says you have to use the Kobo site (or reader app, I guess).


I mean, it's pretty much the same with Kindle/ComiXology. They have an app you have to read it in. Though I suppose you could take screenshots and store them that way if you wanted to.


It's downloadable. You don't have to be online or anything to read it. But as far as I know, you still got to use the app to read it, unless there's something I don't know?


Alpha is out today. It's two short stories. One of them shows Donatello in an illegal hunting safari, some times not even remembering who he is. Second one is a Hob story with a brief cutaway to Jennika and Angel talking to each other on the phone. Sally also makes an appearance.

The art's pretty good. The story picks up right where it left off. Mostly it just felt like a teaser for what's coming.

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders


Some people saying it looks smaller than the original, though.


Here's the original, for comparison:


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Well-known member
It does. It's hard to tell on phone, but the bottom image has a shot it looks like they are recreating and if you look at bebop he more prominent in the new one vs the old image. You see more of him vs little more then his shoulder.


It does look quite a bit smaller. But at $80, at least it's somewhat affordable. I may check it out if I ever see it in the wild. Given my Target though, it's a bit of a crapshoot.


Ah! Amazon exclusive. Hmm, I may look into it given a payday or so. I don't mind it being smaller. In fact, given my display space, it's probably better that way.


I mean, I have the original physical issues as well as the Kindle version. But one big physical omnibus does sound tempting. I guess I'll just wait and see how I feel about it next year. Definitely tempting though.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I like that this channel makes videos of Rise and he just had one on Warren Stone...

... but who the hex is Man-Bun?!?! What's his powers? Gimmick? Personality quirk? He's new!!!

Also there's official artwork of how Warren and Hypno look in the future verse, probably during the Krang resistance future, before they probably died.


NOT a New Member.
Joytoy Turtles.


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