The Official Allspark Bluey Thread


Well-known member
Also, is there name?
I don't think so, no. So we're just going to be left to wonder for a while, I guess.

The wiki does point out some similarities with Mackenzie and Jean-Luc. It'll be interesting to find out who the father is.

I think we might have our hook for the next season. I think we will still have episodes mostly centered around Bluey as a child. But, I wouldn't be surprised (heh) if we also get more flash forward episodes in the future.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
So we watched Surprise three times last night.

So I saw mention of a child, and the name being surprise, I was hoping that meant that Chili was going to be pregnant. Which would have been nice to deal with over the next season. I am a little disappointed, but seeing Bluey's future kid was great! Team Mackenzie all the way!


Well-known member
I'm kind of rooting for Mackenzie, too. I liked Jean-Luc in the one episode he's shown up in, but Mackenzie just has more history at this point.

Of course, it's very possible it's no one we've even met yet. But...we'll see.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I'm odd but I don't check in on much of the Bluey friends eps. I'm.mostly on the Bandit and pretend play with the kids.

The Rusty Cricket ep is the stand out (the MacKenzie trauma ep is also stands out but its weeeeird to me). And Shadowlands (Snickers needs to be in more eps). But before Cricket and Rusty, I don't think I paid that much attention to the other kids. (Other than Snickers. And maybe Coco)

That said, Bluey and Snickers! Hahaha

Made this is my recent acquisitions, haha



Nonstop Baaka
Not currently subscribed to Disney Jr, tried finding the eps online but only got clips or theory stuff. Will have to wait for now.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
So, we got caught up on season 3 over the last several days, and I would almost say it's the best season ever. But my wife mentioned that she doesn't like the ending of The Sign. It's happy and heartwarming, but she pointed out that most episodes of Bluey are real, and acknowledge the messiness and occasional disappointments in life, but The Sign kind of chucks some of that for the "all works out in the end" resolution.

She pointed out that, sometimes during teachable moments for Haywire3, we will start our conversation with "Remember on Bluey how..." and it often works to help illustrate our point. But for a kid who's family is moving, The Sign kind of creates the expectation that somehow at the last minute they won't have to move, and that's just not how real life usually works.

It's an interesting observation, at least. Anyone else have some thoughts?

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
I had the same thought. I was actually a bit excited to see a whole new environment and friends (even though we'd lose Lucky's Dad and Rusty and Snickers etc) but, nope, back in the house.

Maybe Radley and Frisky would have a baby boy. All the heeler kids have been girls. Maybe Brumm the creator had daughters too?

I'd love it if Bluey does start aging up. Very tricky ground tho.


Well-known member
Well...I'll grant you that it's not very realistic. And it sets up the wrong kind of expectations for kids, sure. But, I think Bluey has earned this one moment of fantasy. Of just letting things turn out okay.

It was kind of manipulative of them, though. They didn't really have to make us think they were going to move and then undo it. The writers knew what they were doing. But, they did it so effectively that I can't even really be mad at them. The manipulation served a dramatic purpose, and it actually kept me guessing, so good on them, I guess.

But, I'm not sure the lesson of the special was really about moving, per se. indeed what they were doing, sure. But, the lesson this episode was trying to teach was about "change". And things did still change. People got married. "Toddlers" started talking. Friends' moms and dads started relationships with each other in the background. The kids grew up. Everything around them still changed. It's just this one thing that got to stay the same. It was the biggest thing, sure, but a lot of other things did change, too.

I think the lesson they were going for was more "A lot of things in your life will change as time goes on. But, some things will still be a part of your life no matter what happens." And I think that's a good lesson, too.

And, well, it kind of depends on what what happens next, doesn't it? We might just see consequences from deciding to stay. Is Bandit going to lose his job from not moving? Are we just going to go back to normal? We don't know where they're going with this.

So, I'll agree, it's not a good episode to teach kids about how to deal with "moving". But, I still think it's a good episode illustrating that "change" is hard on everyone. Even the parents. And that "change" still happens, even if not everything changes, just in ways you might not even notice.


Collecter of Gobots and Godzilla
Well...I'll grant you that it's not very realistic. And it sets up the wrong kind of expectations for kids, sure. But, I think Bluey has earned this one moment of fantasy. Of just letting things turn out okay.
Oh, I absolutely agree, neither me nor my wife are sad they got to stay, and that we get to keep following all these characters we've gotten to know over the course of the show. The happy ending was great, and yes, they earned it. And things are changing, just not as drastically (so far) as we were being led to believe.

I am looking forward to what's next when the show continues, for sure.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
Yeah, as I said before Bandit pulling the sign up and immediately getting Love-tackled by Chili was epic! Like I would have loved to see them move and have to deal with that, but this was great too.

As a kid, I had a moving experience when I was about the same age as bluey, and it was a very traumatic one. It would have been nice to see them deal with this change, but at the same time It's good that they get to stay.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!
They could alternatively break people's hearts anyway by having a close friend of Bluey leave instead. Would sort of be a retread of Jean Luc disappearing from Bluey's life but he was just a friend for a few days.

Who is Bluey closest to anyway? Indie? Coco? Chloe?

Can't break up Bingo and Lila (since there's pics of them growing up together). No way could they break up Rusty and Jack (since Jack is ADHD representation).

Maybe splitting up the three Terriers? Could be traumatic.

The Predaking

Staff member
Council of Elders
I would say Chloe is more of a friend since they have had multiple playdates at each other's houses. Also, they had that epic Princess episode.

Fero McPigletron

Feel the fear!

We finally have Bluey toys locally. The regular family pack of four are around but i already have a Bandit, Bluey and Bingo variant.

There's Bluey and Bingo granny versions but they're not even named Rita and Janet, haha.

They ran out of Muffin! I'd definitely get Muffin if I find her!

Edit - aaaaand I found a Muffin. Hahaha!
I had a chance to get Earthspark Grimlock but he was 4x the cost of a Muffin. I went with Muffin.

Hopefully I don't get tempted by the Grannies. If I get one, I have to get the other.
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