Thundercats - General Discussion (and some Silverhawks too, whynot)


Lion O seems to have the worst luck with women. I think maybe you're right about Calica being a character instead of a Mum Ra disguise. It looks like they're going to do with her what 2011 did with Pumyra, which hopefully means when they actually introduce the actual Pumyra she can actually be done right.

But yeah, Calica will definitely be going heel. Only question is if she can be redeemed. My guess would be that she'll be dead in the next couple issues, either die as a villain, turn into a monster like they had planned for 2011 Pumyra or die trying to redeem herself. I say this only because she's a new character, not part of the original cast who's already set up to betray the heroes.

I hope they don't go for a Lion-O/Wily Kit relationship. It really just feels too creepy.

I still don't like Wily Kit and Tygras designs. Art overall is...meh to be honest. But the story's good so far and I'm mostly just happy to have new ThunderCats adventures to read.


Well-known member
I hope they don't go for a Lion-O/Wily Kit relationship. It really just feels too creepy.
I'm a bit mixed. I get why people find it creepy, especially in the 2011 series where he wasn't prematurely aged up. But, it is kind of a Captain Marvel/Shazam issue, in this comic. He's got the mind of a kid in the body of a adult. The only real solution is to not give him a romance at all. But, they keep insisting on doing it.

And...look...given some fan art I've seen of a aged up Wily Kit?


I can't blame Lion-O.
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Well-known member
Thundercats #3 is out!

I think I feel that each issue of this series is getting progressively better? I liked this issue. Stuff happened. And we're getting some hints of...other things that we're going to have to deal with later. It's a interesting issue. It's good! If the first issue didn't really impress you, I guarantee that it does get better.

This issue features the return of EVERYONE'S favorite character....Snarf! They do seem to be going more with the 2011 version of the character, with a few added twists. This Snarf doesn't talk. But, Lion-O has a psychic bond with him so they can understand each other. And he's actually a fairly respected guardian of a mystical room full of Thunderian treasures. Yeah...they might be trying a little too hard to make Snarf cool. But, it DOES work, more or less.

Also, Monkian shows up! Already on the planet. Which feels a little weird. I guess we're building up to the formation of the Mutants as we usually know them. So, Jackalman should be next.

Oh, but Panthro still doesn't trust Calica. It eventually leads to Panthro just slugging Lion-O in front of everyone. Which leads Cheetara to challenge Panthro to a..."Thunder-Duel" to settle the argument in Lion-O's place. I don't remember this from the cartoon. But, then again, it's been years since I've sat down and actually watched it. So, maybe I'm just forgetting that this is a thing.

It IS kind of funny when Calica asks Tigra what a "Thunder-Duel" is and he just ignores her. Getting exposition isn't that easy, I guess.

But, the most interesting thing in this issue is probably what's going on with Jaga. going on with Jaga. BAD STUFF! Jaga does not seem to be in his right mind and it leads to a very...interesting visual. I'm curious where they're going with this. Methinks we need a crossover with the Ghostbusters to solve this one.
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I get the feeling Lion-O is going to learn a really hard lesson here soon. This treasure of Thundera is probably going to be gone in the next couple issues and everyone's going to be looking right at Lion-O and he's going to know it was all his fault for trusting Valica.

I don't remember the challenge being in the cartoon either, but it's been a while since I've watched it.

Snarf isn't so bad when he's mute. You just knew they'd have to bring him in at some point. So, thankfully he doesn't talk.


Wondering bot


I don't know what's up with Amazon. Like, it'll let me buy Thundercats comics and preorder them once they're up for preorder. But three issues in and it still won't let me subscribe. 😡

LBD "Nytetrayn"

Broke the Matrix
Staff member
Council of Elders
I don't know what's up with Amazon. Like, it'll let me buy Thundercats comics and preorder them once they're up for preorder. But three issues in and it still won't let me subscribe. 😡
I'm still annoyed that as an international user, my subs became null and void when they consolidated everything, and I guess that's not something they're planning to change.


Koopaling Aficionado
Announced today that Mondo has the license to produce 1/6 scale Thundercats. Showing a prelim. sculpt and concept art for their interpretation of Lion-O. Expect this to be in-line with their recent MOTU reimaginings in both size, aesthetic and price.


Steevy Maximus

Well known pompous pontificator
I posted about this in the Transformers section, but bears repeating here:
MeTV will be producing an animation spinoff called MeTV Toons launching June 25th. On the website, one of the portraits that cycles in (presumably, previewing shows they’ll be offering) is Quicksilver, from Silverhawks.

I’m kind of giddy to see Silverhawks get that kind of attention, though I’m sure Thundercats are “on the short list” to be featured. Maybe Silverhawks was cheaper? The line up is VERY biased around comedy cartoons, so maybe the Hawks were picked up to add a little action to the line up?


View attachment 19770

Well, I preordered this on BBTS. It says it should arrive sometime in March. It's March 3 now. So I'm guessing another 2 or 3 months I should get a shipping confirmation.

Well, March came and went. They updated the release date to April. April came and went. They updated the release date to May. I checked Super 7's website and they said shipping should start in December...of 2023.

I don't suppose anyone actually has some kind of real info on this?


Koopaling Aficionado
I just got email that my Alluro is shipping. Direct from Super7.

This past weekend Veebs ex of Fwoosh interviewed Brian Flynn and mentioned the following wave is only about a month behind the currently shipping one (WilyKit, Alluro, Hachiman) also the Chromed Silverhawks are shipping soon too.

Next month the next wave should be announced, along with the 2003 TMNT (woth double jointed knees and elbows!)


Koopaling Aficionado
Alluro arrived today. I absolutely love this! Aside from a neck that sounds like it won't let me swap heads, he overall feels like a much better put together than previous releases. His hair, gold belt and loincloth are all a really soft plastic that really allow for easy movement. I cant wait to get the rest of the Lunatacks!



Issue 4 is out today.

Calica is revealed as the traitor, Mumm-Ra faced off against Lion-O and Third Earth is officially the new home of the Thunder Cats.

So it seems the first arc is finished and the foundation is set for whatever comes next. Can't wait!


Well-known member
For some reason, the digital version came out before the physical one did. So, while issue #4 came out last week digitally, the physical comic only came out this last Wednesday. I don't know, I just wanted to note that. I find it weird, but it happens sometimes.

Anyway, yeah, this is another good issue. It's a little weird that this is already the end of this first storyarc, but there's some interesting things to talk about. It might not be going in quite the direction I expected.

So, yeah, I like it. It's going to be interesting to see where they take it.

Apparently, in this version of the story, the Thundercats actually have a choice about whether to remain on Third Earth or take their chances trying to find another new homeworld somewhere else in space. I don't think they ever had that option in the old show, as far as I remember. I mean....I would probably want to get away from Mumm-Ra, if I were them. But, I guess they have reasons enough to stay by the end of the issue, anyway.

I find it slightly amusing that Tygra's advice to Lion-O about his "new urges" is to just...get a piece of that. I mean...fair. We were all thinking it. But, still. weird to see that kind of advice in a Thundercats comic.

Slythe teams up with Monkian, but still no sign of Jackalman, yet. I guess Mutants...I'm sorry, "Mu'tants" have already spread to every planet in this universe? Monkian was already here, and didn't mention anything about just getting here on a spaceship, so I guess they just live here from before for however long?

Anyway, Mumm-Ra shows up with a army of mummies. As you do. Lion-O's using the Thunder-Cutter from the treasure vault while the Sword is Omens is still broken. Neat. It's a little weird that they didn't really follow up on last issue's little "cliffhanger" with Jaga screaming at Mumm-Ra like a banshee, but...I guess nothing came of it?

And, of course, Calica betrays them and steals the Eye of Thundara from the treasure vault Snarf was guarding. She beat SNARF, guys! SNARF!!! She must be, like, super-powerful! I don't think that carries the weight that the writer wants that to have.

Seriously, though, I do like that they give Calica her own "superpower" like the other Thundercats have, in the form of psychic blasts. It keeps her feeling like she belongs in this universe.

Anyway, during the fight, Mumm-Ra feels his powers drain away for some reason. I have to imagine that has SOMETHING to do with Jaga. I don't know what they have planned for him, but I am intrigued. Too bad we don't get to see Mumm-Ra's "Ever-living" form, though. I guess they're saving that for later.

So, by the end of the issue, Calica's on the run with the Eye. The Mu'tants are rising up. Tygra's hurt from the battle and might be in a coma. And the Book of Omens is revealed to be somewhere out in the desert, waiting to be found by someone.

Given one of the last panels, Calica supposed to actually be working for Jaga? I mean, Mumm-Ra seems to claim that she's his agent, Jaga actually the one pulling the strings, here? I'm really not sure where they're going with Jaga in this story.

So, yeah, I'd say this is turning into a pretty solid little comic, in it's own right. I'm interested in where this story is headed.


Koopaling Aficionado
Super7's latest Wave 11 preorder is out! We're getting Ro-Bear Bill, Luna &Amok ($85) Claudus and Royal Thundarian

(link thumbnail displays wrong, but does link to the preorder)

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