Thundercats - General Discussion (and some Silverhawks too, whynot)


Wondering bot
For a moment I thought the one standing next to Lion'os father was wearing a skirt, but then I realised that it was the plans for Cats Lair on Third Earth


Well-known member
I also picked up Thundercats #5, and yeah, it's a perfectly solid issue. Not as good as the last few, but this is more of a "breather" issue. We're kind of just processing and reviewing the events so far. It feels a little early to really need something like that, but I'm guessing the regular team needed a little time to prep the next arc.

I'm not sure how I feel about the art. I'm...not sure if I like "hyper-realistic" Thundercats? It takes a little getting used to. Some of these panels almost look like the artist traced over some models from a magazine or something...and then added in the Thundercats details later. It's almost like a photo-comic of fans cosplaying as these characters acting out these scenes. I'm not accusing anyone of anything, I'm just trying to describe how I see the style. I'm just not sure if Thundercats really works in a more "realistic" style like this. This is probably why we haven't gotten a live-action Thundercats movie, yet. I got used to it eventually. And it's not badly done or anything. But, it does feel a little "off".

I'm also not really a fan of how Dynamite keeps putting previews for other comics right in the middle of their comics. Not even ads, just pages from different comics suddenly right in the middle of the issue you're reading. It's jarring. Stop that, Dynamite. That's a bad Dynamite!

But, this is a pretty decent character-focused issue. We get a few nice character moments between Lion-O and Cheetara. It's still worth picking up.

This entire comic can be summed up as: "Lion-O learns how to hit a lady". I don't know how I feel about that.


Yeah, the comic previews in the middle were jarring. This is the first series by Dynamite I've bought. So I wasn't sure if that was typical or not. Like, comic previews at the end of an issue is one thing. But right in the middle of an issue rea destroys the emersion .


I don't remember. War Within is the only thing that survived my comic purge. From the two random issues I checked, I didn't see it. But even if they did, I wouldn't look to Dreamwave as an example of stellar business practices.


View attachment 19770

Well, I preordered this on BBTS. It says it should arrive sometime in March. It's March 3 now. So I'm guessing another 2 or 3 months I should get a shipping confirmation.

Holy crap, I'm freaking psychic!



She finally came today. Looks nice.


she comes with an extra head, hands a d two lasso type things. Her head is really loose, like, really loose. It spins around backwards with barely a touch. She also keeps falling off the board. A larger peg with a hole in the heel of the foot would have been preferable. Here it's a small nub on the board with a small divot near her toes that is totally insufficient for keeping her on the board

All that said, the details ar really nice. One of her extra hands holds one of her gas pellets, which is probably the one I'll keep her with. The board also looks really nice.


And here she is with my other kittens. To be honest, with the reboot kittens I forget what board goes with which sibling. I had a 50/50 shot, so I guessed.


Well-known member
The first issue of the Cheetara miniseries is out!

I liked it. It isn't the most eventful comic in the world, though. If you didn't know, this is a prequel to the main comic. This first issue is mostly a slice of life focusing on life as it used to be back on Thundera. It's kind of nice to see this characters on their homeworld for this issue. But, it's basically laying the groundwork for the catastrophe to come.

Art wise, I also like it. I do have spots where I have issues with it. But, I mostly like the look of this book. I especially like what they're doing with Cheetara's hair. I don't know, I just like the light yellow they're using for it.

So, yeah. If you've been enjoying the main comic so far, I think this is worth picking up.

One of the spots I have issue with is basically right at the start with the Cat's Lair. It kind of feels too "smooth" for me? Too plastic-y? It looks less like this giant ancient monument and more like a enlarged toy. I think if they gave it a bit more texture with the coloring then maybe it would feel a little better to me. Maybe change the proportions a little, too. But, that's a nitpick, I'll admit.

But, I do like that we find out about their "faceless god" Thundera. That's a interesting bit of world-building. I hope that gets fleshed out a little more down the line, somewhere.

Cheetara and Tygra seem to have had a crushes on each other even back when they were kids. That's kind of cute. I'm rooting for these two.

We get to see baby Lion-O and...he kind of looks like a kid who got his face painted? It's cute, and I don't know how else you could have done it. It just looks a little less like "fur" and more like "facepaint". But, that's not the part that I'm going to complain about.

No, the other part of the artwork I have issue with is this version of Snarf. Snarf looks like a tiny hairy man in this art style. It's the "flesh" around his eyes that's doing it, I think. But, he does have more human-like proportions in this art style, too. Instead of looking more like a animal like in the main book. It's off-putting. I don't like it.

Claudius going blind after a fight with the mutants (sorry, Mu'tants) is another nice little world building moment, though. Although, his pet saber-toothed tiger looks surprised to get petted in one panel. It's kind of funny looking.

And we get a look at ALL the Thundercats as they were back on Thundera. Pumyra, Lynx-O, and Bangali are here! Which makes me wonder where they are in the main book. I hope they didn't die on Thundera, later, in this universe. They're probably fine.

But, yeah, everything's going good until Cheetara gets a vision of their world exploding in the future. So, that's not great, even though we knew it was going to happen. But, it makes for a good cliffhanger for this issue. We knew it was coming, but it'll be interesting to see how Cheetara warns everyone else. It's a solid concept for a mini.

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