Tell Your Tale Discussion Thread-Salute Our Shorts


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Hey, we're back at the Board Trot. Maybe we'll find out if these rides open up magic portals or not!

Zipper Coaster?! Zipp got a entire roller coaster named after her? I guess it does fit her color scheme, so the name fits. Lucky...

Yeah, Misty, I doubt they can hear you since they're almost a mile away.

To be fair, that roller coaster WAS made by magic. So, there's a pretty even chance that it's possessed by a ghost or will send you to another dimension or will suddenly disappear while you're in the middle of a loop or will charge you extra for photos or something. Being afraid of that particular roller coaster is probably wise, really.

Filly Funhouse Mirror! When Pipp looks into it, she just looks normal. this in her head, or are these CURSED magic mirrors? Because we already know these mirrors are magic, they're floating after all. Maybe Misty ate a cursed churro or something at the Board Trot.

The Teacups...the ultimate ride of shame after chickening out of going on the big fancy roller coaster. This is her penance.

Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, and Rainbow Dash plushies are in the background! Someone still remembers the G4 Manes!

Pipp has a balloon with her own face on it. She's living the dream!

Seapony Misty! Someone got the memo about the comics! Brand synergy!

Pipp lost her balloon. She decided she wanted to have a solo career.

She's already on the teacups, guys. Hasn't she suffered enough?

Murky Misty has red eyes. Nice touch!

And now she's on the bumper cars. She's building herself up for it!

I guess the other ponies would think the bumper car that Murky Misty is in is just malfunctioning? Or haunted? Eh, they're probably used to being haunted at this point.

All those years around Opaline really messed this poor girl up, didn't it?

"I'm still heeereee" You know, I feel like the fandom would actually embrace keeping two Mistys around.

"You're not brave enough to join your friends" Didn't she just sky dive off a cloud by surfing on a rainbow a few episodes ago? Then again...maybe she's scared of heights BECAUSE of that incident with the cloud machine.

"I can't believe you yelled at me! I'm...kind of cute when I'm angry?"

I wonder what everyone else is seeing while Misty is doing this? They must think she's nuts, yelling at the empty air like this. Do they see her dragging the manifestation of her fear into the joy ride along with her or not?

Misty just cuts in line. Even though it's part of her personal growth for today, it's still pretty rude. Posey's anger is justified count...1.

Two riders in the same seat...that's a safety violation, even if one of them is imaginary.

Izzy's just enjoying her cotton candy. And most of it's even getting into her mouth!

"This is my sixteenth ride and I'm still scared!" They are horses after all. They're not known for their bravery.

I'm not sure if Murky Misty's mane being more dramatically blown back by the wind is a nice touch or a oversight. I'm going with a nice touch. It really emphasizes her representing fear.

"Edible beard!" ALL beards are edible if you try hard enough.

"Miss Misty I...don't feel so good" When Thanos snapped his fingers, did imaginary friends count as half the universe?

Great, now everyone's going to want to try the Rainbow Road track. So many safety violations. Who's running this park anyway? *Remembers the Manes own the Board Trot, basically* Oh...they do NOT have enough insurance.

Fastpass, Posey. Fastpass.

Oh, Posey would have a FIELD DAY if she learned about Fastpass. I WANT that angry rant, now!

Now, there's a episode for you! Just have a entire episode of Posey going off on a long rant about some topic. And then we find out the poor person she's ranting at is just some fast food employee. "Ma'am...this is a Hey Hayburger". Or...just Sunny, I guess.
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Staff member
Council of Elders
Filly Funhouse Mirror! When Pipp looks into it, she just looks normal.

The Teacups...the ultimate ride of shame after chickening out of going on the big fancy roller coaster. This is her penance.
I'm just impressed that that they successfully conveyed "This ride is comically slow" in a show whose format requires an extremely rapid pace. The TYT crew may have a humble job, but they are genuinely skilled. They know exactly how long they can afford to linger on anything. I took a lot of film classes. I had to work within 5 minutes. It is hard.

Seapony Misty! Someone got the memo about the comics! Brand synergy!
Considering how historically bad Hasbro is at this, it continues to be impressive how well G5 is pulling this off. Someone is really trying.

And now she's on the bumper cars. She's building herself up for it!
This is good. She doesn't just abruptly get over it because the episode is out of time. She builds up to it, without the episode really drawing attention to how she's building up to it. These writers are so overqualified.

"You're not brave enough to join your friends" Didn't she just sky dive off a cloud by surfing on a rainbow a few episodes ago? Then again...maybe she's scared of heights BECAUSE of that incident with the cloud machine.
This bothered me at first. But her friends kinda sorta own this park, don't they? I wouldn't trust these rides either. I mean, how often does the Marestream make a successful landing?

I wonder what everyone else is seeing while Misty is doing this? They must think she's nuts, yelling at the empty air like this. Do they see her dragging the manifestation of her fear into the joy ride along with her or not?
As someone who has had some episodes in front of people, in my experience people are surprisingly chill about this. Maybe it's just because I'm in Florida, where people expect weirdness. But that logic definitely applies to Maretime Bay.

They are horses after all. They're not known for their bravery.
I want to know what plastic bags did to their ancestors. Horses have never forgotten it.

wonko the sane?

You may test that assumption at your convinience.

Neat song, fun episode. Doesn't do anything new, but at least we didn't get misty doing her affirmation. It was hitch this time.


Staff member
Council of Elders
Well, these mirrors are more interesting than I immediately expected.

I still don't like G5 music.

TYT got the memo that MLP games are platformers now.

Why would you not go through the portal? Don't you trust this place?


I think the writers are tired of the introdumps too, because it did nothing this time.

Sunny gets tired of waiting and hands them the solution.

Sunny is not amused. The background is going to be a pain the clean up but that's a ponymote right there.

You're winner !

I can almost tell what Sparky said there.

This was fun enough.


This is how a unicorn comments
Okay you could have had a mirror show Hitch as a dragon, or either him or Sunny genderswapped, but you didn't lame.

I DO like G5 music, but this song is just okay

Uh... so there is like a soft padded bottom or a net under those platforms right? Otherwise this is REALLY damn dangerous for an attraction.

Why is there a tunnel slide that leads to a sewer looking area?

So if you go through this alone and get to this room, are you trapped forever? Who designed this place? (Izzy's mind or was it like this before the magic fix?)
I think the writers are tired of the introdumps too, because it did nothing this time.
What do you mean? It sent a telepathic warning to Sunny that they were lost. That was absolutely magic right there. Some new Alicorn power?

They made it out, but I have to imagine that whoever is in charge of making sure this place is working/clean, they're going to be PISSED at the BIG HOLES IN THE GROUND WHERE THE VINES CAME FROM.

Neat episode I guess. I'm still more interested in what the next special will be like.

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