[IC] Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour: Explorers of STOMP


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Council of Elders
Static cringed. "I hope that doesn't include baths and showers."

Misty - Maple (Flair)

A microphone was passed to Duchess De Luge.

Wanderlust - Symphony AND Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)


Delivering orders as needed, Wanderlust and Symphony worked thier way over to the table where Scarlet Spectrum and the others were about to start playing. As Wanderlust was setting down their orders and Symphony was about to ask Red what he wanted, Red gently rested a hoof under her chin, smiled, and said, "My my, aren't you the fragrant flower. I already know exactly what I want, my dear...a tall glass of horchata. Extra cinnamon, please."

Meanwhile, Scarlet Spectrum saw two things. First, the stack of cards was thicker so presumably there was more than one deck mixed in. Second, he saw that Red had been playing two hands instead of just one.

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

A knock was heard on the door.

Static's eyes narrowed in suspicion. He wasn't expecting any visitors. He crouched down into a fighting stance and motioned Night Cap to stay quiet. "Who is it?" he called out.

As Scarlet was considering whether he could, not to mention should, attempt to play two hands himself. Their orders arrived. Scarlet smiled, as he was looking forward to the spicy chips. The pegasus was just anout to open his mouth and thank Symphony, when ‘Reds’ smooth words cut him off.

Hastily converting what could have been an ill-asvised scowl into a raised eyebrow, Scarlet said.

”I see you have a silver tongue ‘Red’.”



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Council of Elders
Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Red put his hoof down and chuckled, "Better honey than vinegar. I figure you get better results that way." The dealer then began to deal out the cards. Red had a face card face up for the first hand and a 7 face up for the second. Hazel Naught had an ace face up while the new stallion and the dealer had an ace and a 6 respectively. Finally, Scarlet had a 5 face up and a 6 face down.

Red calmly asked,
"So, what brings you out here, Scarlet? Are you the gambling type?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Iiiiiiiiiiiit's room service! Looking to see if you needed anything delivered to your room," a cheerful female voice said from outside the door.

Static whispered back "It'll keep you up late and we have a 6:10 wakeup call," he reminded Night Cap, though not exactly denying permission. "Though I'm not exactly sure she's actually room service anyway."

Static speaks up for the mare outside the room, looking to make sure Night Cap's prepared for whatever's behind the door. "One sec, I'll be right there."

Static cautiously opens the door.

Taking the mic, Duchess De Luge began to address the audience. Every sentence she spoke was accompanied by exaggerated poses and sweeping gestures.

"Well, well, well, what a lovely audience we have here tonight! I am ever-so-delighted that you all have come out to see me in my grand debut. And how grand it shall be, for I am none other than the grandest, the glorious, the gorgeous, Duchess De Luge!"

She turned her attention to her opponent.

"How delightful! I must indeed thank you for coming out here, Masked Mystery Mare. I could think of no better pony to stand opposite of my oh-so-amazing self. You should be honored to be part of my first-ever victory! Ahahahaha!"

Passing the mic back to the announcer, she strode over to meet the Masked Mystery Mare's proffered forehoof with her own. Though it appeared to be a civil gesture, Triple-M could feel that this was not a light touch by any means; there was a definite show of strength behind it. De Luge gave a wicked grin.

"Don't hold back, darling." Up so close, Triple-M could see herself reflected in De Luge's visor. "I want everything you've got."

'oooh strong...' Maple thought... as their hooves met.

when De Luge came close and spoke to her Maple could only think of one word to use as response... and she made sure to look at the referee to confirm it would be understood.




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Council of Elders
Letting out a lo chuckle of his own, Scarlet nodded at ‘Reds’ words, while inwardly feeling that this mysterious colts ‘honey’, seemed layed on a little thickly. Catching Symphonys eye, he smiled and waved a wing. Partly in thanks for their orders and partly to (he hoped) offer a bit of reassurance.

Then he looked down at his cards, pleased with his starting total of 11. On the verge of requesting another card, Scarlet held back as ‘Red’ spoke.

”i gamble here is riddle of luck and chance. Do you wish to make wager then?”

Static - Night Cap

Static Signal opened the door to see a mare who wore a crisp uniform similar to the receptionist of the hotel and a big smile. Next to her was a small pushcart with drinks and snacks. "Good evening sir. I have refreshments if you'd like. Alternately, if you need fresh soap or perhaps some light cleaning, I can do that as well."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

"Here in the casino. Wondering if you were a regular I simply never saw before. Though I must say, riddles are only as interesting as the secrets they protect. As far as wagers..." Red calmly pushed a few bits forward. Hazel Naught seemed worried about this as she glanced towards Scarlet Spectrum.

"I didn't even check to see if we had soap. A shower would be nice after a day like today. Onesec, I'll see if we already have the soap or not." Static goes to check. "By the way, a hot bedtime herbal tea would be nice."

[Did you just say herbal tea?]

[Anchors influence. Must be.]

[What has she done to me?]

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Static Signal saw that there was fresh soap in the bathroom. The mare said, "I have a tea kettle and some packets of wonderful night time tea right here. It's a delightful mix of chamomile and a variety of mints. As far as the morning coffee, what time and how would you like your coffee?"

Static comes back in from the bathroom. "We seem to be doing fine on the soap front. I'll take some of the tea please. Coffee...I mean, we're going out for breakfast...but I guess a cup before we leave wouldn't be a bad idea. I like mine black and strong. Is 6:10 too early?"



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Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

She quickly scribbled a note. "6:10 is perfectly fine. And here's your tea, sir. Will there be anything else?"

Misty - Maple (Flair)

Once the bell rang, the Masked Mystery Mare stood ready with hooves up for a test of strength. Duchess De Luge lifted a hoof as if she were to engage in clean, honorable wrestling. But it was a ruse as she quickly whipped the Masked Mystery Mare into a hooflock! Just what grievous harm might she be attempting?!?


"I was hoping you'd go for the first move, but, since you twisted my foreleg... oh, wait... that's me twisting yours! Ahahahaha!"


”Just passing through with my friends. Hoping to play some cards and have some fun,” Scarlet said with a grin. Then he winked at Hazel, having noticed her concern. He made a show of considering ‘Reds’ profferred wager, then cocked his head.

”Hold off on your bits for now though, ‘Red’. I think i’ll hone my game a little more before starting a bet i may not be able to afford. Although...

How about you tell me your name, should my cards roll higher than one of your two hands?

Scarlet looked again at his 11 and waved for another card...[/

...getting a 9!

Trying to keep a sense of satisfaction off his face. Scarlet hoped his 20 was enough.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

As Hazel Naught requested another card, Scarlet Spectrum spotted the briefest flinch from Red. "Well, if I win, you'll need to tell me about where you work." Then the hands were revealed. Hazel Naught had two aces and a face card, causing a situation where in order to not bust, the two aces would automatically downgrade to 1s. The dealer had a 6, 4, and 9. Red revealed an ace and a 7 for one hand but two face cards for the other, meaning he tied with Scarlet Spectrum! He was about to comment but then the stallion at the end who had been quiet about all this revealed his hand--a face and an ace for a perfect blackjack! He grinned and said, "A shame really, I actually did want to know the answer to the question. But some days luck is more slippery than a roulette wheel covered than melted shortening."

Just then, an alarm went off and a tall stallion announced, "Everypony out!" Poinsettia Prim stormed over and asked, "What is the meaning of this?" "You hear that alarm. You aren't going to argue with the fire marshal are you?" She grumbled but waved for the employees on the floor to follow her to the emergency exit. Red seemed annoyed at all this. "This game will likely resume in the morning, thus I shall retire for the night. Farewell." As he got up, Dart Noveau bumped into him. After she apologized, he stormed off. She then waved for the others to follow her out of the building, though with Poinsettia Prim out of sight, she quickly gave the dealer from earlier a hug, then dashed off. She whispered to the others, "Back to the hotel, there's a lot to talk about."

"I can't think of anything," Static said as he sipped the tea. "Delicious, thank you."

He then remembered the document he'd been working on. "Actually, one last thing. I realize it's kinda getting late in the evening, but is there some place nearby where I can get this notarized?"



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Council of Elders
Wanderlust's eyes flick between Prim and Darty, and gears churn in his head. The idea that the building is actually on fire never crosses his mind. He quickly grabs Symphony and pulls her into the back area, near the kitchens "We have work to do." He hisses. "Let's get upstairs, then try to look lost."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

As Hazel Naught requested another card, Scarlet Spectrum spotted the briefest flinch from Red. "Well, if I win, you'll need to tell me about where you work." Then the hands were revealed. Hazel Naught had two aces and a face card, causing a situation where in order to not bust, the two aces would automatically downgrade to 1s. The dealer had a 6, 4, and 9. Red revealed an ace and a 7 for one hand but two face cards for the other, meaning he tied with Scarlet Spectrum! He was about to comment but then the stallion at the end who had been quiet about all this revealed his hand--a face and an ace for a perfect blackjack! He grinned and said, "A shame really, I actually did want to know the answer to the question. But some days luck is more slippery than a roulette wheel covered than melted shortening."

Just then, an alarm went off and a tall stallion announced, "Everypony out!" Poinsettia Prim stormed over and asked, "What is the meaning of this?" "You hear that alarm. You aren't going to argue with the fire marshal are you?" She grumbled but waved for the employees on the floor to follow her to the emergency exit. Red seemed annoyed at all this. "This game will likely resume in the morning, thus I shall retire for the night. Farewell." As he got up, Dart Noveau bumped into him. After she apologized, he stormed off. She then waved for the others to follow her out of the building, though with Poinsettia Prim out of sight, she quickly gave the dealer from earlier a hug, then dashed off. She whispered to the others, "Back to the hotel, there's a lot to talk about."

Wanderlust's eyes flick between Prim and Darty, and gears churn in his head. The idea that the building is actually on fire never crosses his mind. He quickly grabs Symphony and pulls her into the back area, near the kitchens "We have work to do." He hisses. "Let's get upstairs, then try to look lost."

As the Alarm went off Symphony looked around in a panic, and when she saw the other Employees heading out, she was about to dart off to follow them... that is until Wanderlust grabs her and drags her off. "Hey... Ow... But what about the Fire? We gotta get outta here!" She says flailing as she's pulled to the kitchens.

Around a corner and out of sight from the rush, Wanderlust pauses. "There's...not really a fire, right? I mean, the kitchens are fine. Where else is a fire going to happen? I think someone else has a plan." He grins. "So I'm making their plan my plan!"

”Awww. And just when things were getting interesting,” Scarlet said with a mischieveous grin. Refardless, he waved a wing at Hazel and headed for the door.

’Let’s get outta here, Hazel.”

Misty - Maple (Flair)

The Masked Mystery Mare was initially caught off guard by the hooflock. Most newcomers wouldn't open with a move like that. Well, at least now she knew the competition was no slouch. Still, how much of that was good fundamentals and how much was devious trickery? Instinctively flipping out of the hooflock, the Masked Mystery Mare grabbed Duchess De Luge by the foreleg and swung her towards the ropes!




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Council of Elders
"The First move? My friend the first move is never with the opponent, the first move is getting the audience to side with you or against you." The Masked Mystery Mare smiles as she sends this new filly toward the ropes... a good way to judge her agility and ring awareness. Would she resist, use the momentum to her advantage? Perhaps clutch the ropes and stop herself... Maple even watched to see if she'd take note of which turnbuckle she might be closer to... all good things, and could be valuable lessons to pass on later. Maple had noticed De Luge hadn'! t seemed to catch on- when MMM had said 'shoot' - so she'd have to remember to pull -some of her punches.

"In one of the other rooms? Maybe someone dropped one of those really expensive cigars or something?" Symphony suggests nervously as her rainbow eyes dart about, seeming to look at things that aren't there... She lets out a soft sigh. "So, what is it you're planning?"

Wanderlust shrugs. "Same thing we were already planning: go snooping. If we don't see anybody, we get out unnoticed. And if we do see someone, we follow them and find out why they're still here. We both know something in this building is fishy, and it's not the shrimp, is it?"

Wanderlust shrugs. "Same thing we were already planning: go snooping. If we don't see anybody, we get out unnoticed. And if we do see someone, we follow them and find out why they're still here. We both know something in this building is fishy, and it's not the shrimp, is it?"

Symphony huffs softly and nods. "Alright, whatever you say." She says Still not really sure about this, but doesn't seem like there's any other option here. "So where do we start?"

Wanderlust looks Symphony right in the eye. It's the same appraising gaze he gave Scarlet a few days ago. "We're a team; if you don't want to do this, we'll leave. But if you do...we'll see less ponies upstairs."



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Council of Elders
De Luge hit the ropes, but on the bounce back she nimbly dodged around her opponent.

"Duchess De Luge does not 'get' ponies to take her side, nooooo," the Masked Mystery Mare heard over her shoulder before feeling a pair of forelegs wrap around her neck. "That comes naturally from her irresistible charisma!"



As this was a submission hold, the Ref dropped in on a knee to keep watch on MMM's eyes, in case he'd need to start a 10 count...

"~Gurgle~ nice move." The MMM, manages to get the words out despite the forelegs holding her neck tightly. It's a tight hold... oh no I can already feel my eyes getting heavy... Maple thought as she dramatically dropped to her knees bringing De Luge down with her.

there it is... Being extremely familiar with basic holds, The MMM took the mat's built-in springy nature and slid out of the hold in the brief moment of vibration as both she and her opponent bounced slightly... making a quick roll up and over... she Stood up against the turnbuckle visibly catching her breath... no need to undersell that... that was well done. Maple smiled inside her head... this was going to be a special match... however she'd have to figure out some sort of attack strategy shortly... with legs that long and strong this Dutchess might have a solid physical advantage... after all if it wasn't for her ring-smarts just now, The Masked Mystery Mare... might have just lost.

Misty - Maple (Flair)

As the Masked Mystery Mare caught a quick breather, she could hear from the cheers and boos that the audience was invested in the match. However, she knew she wouldn't have too long unless she wanted to give her opponent an advantage!

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"Curled Page?" the mare asked. "He's really swell! I needed reference for a butterfly picture I'm drawing and he walked! right to the section on the shelf. Wow!"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel)

Scarlet Spectrum, Dart Noveau, and Hazel Naught eventually reached the hotel slightly winded but no worse for wear. "Ah hope the others aren't too far behind but I know they may need to keep up appearances. And the other two have that wrasslin' thing they were looking into. You think we should start discussing now and recap when the other's show up or should we wait for them and do it all at once?" Dart Noveau asked.

Scrambling quickly up the ropes The MMM launched herself through the air toward the Dutchess, attempting a Hurricanrana


Wanderlust - Symphony

Wanderlust and Symphony heard a female voice calmly ask, "¿Qué estás haciendo?"



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Council of Elders
Wanderlust looks Symphony right in the eye. It's the same appraising gaze he gave Scarlet a few days ago. "We're a team; if you don't want to do this, we'll leave. But if you do...we'll see less ponies upstairs."

Wanderlust - Symphony

Wanderlust and Symphony heard a female voice calmly ask, "¿Qué estás haciendo?"

Symphony looks to Wanderlust, her rainbow eyes sparkling, but looks away at the voice and turns to face the mare, not giving Wander a proper answer. "I um... Uh... Sorry... I uh... Don't speak... um... Habla no espanio?"

Wanderlust - Symphony

"Aaahh..." The mare wasn't exceptionally tall but she did have a slight edge on Wanderlust and Symphony. She was a green pegasus wearing one of the casino uniforms and a necklace with a brilliant orange jewel. She was smiling and seemed to be sizing them up. "So, as your boss...I was wondering just what the two of you were doing while an alarm was going on?"

Wanderlust - Symphony

"Aaahh..." The mare wasn't exceptionally tall but she did have a slight edge on Wanderlust and Symphony. She was a green pegasus wearing one of the casino uniforms and a necklace with a brilliant orange jewel. She was smiling and seemed to be sizing them up. "So, as your boss...I was wondering just what the two of you were doing while an alarm was going on?"

Wanderlust had been moving very deliberately, carefully! acting like his heart hadn't just tried to leap into his lungs, but that got his attention. "Our boss is Poinsettia Prim." He says, suspicious.

Wanderlust - Symphony

She chuckled.
"Prim is your immediate supervisor. I am Chipotle Verde, owner and general manager. She answers to me. In turn, you didn't answer my question..."

Static enjoys his tea. He couldn't help but notice nothing was said about where to get his will notarized. But since Night Caps line of questioning more directly affected their mission, he decided not to press it. He could always ask Square in the morning. Otherwise, he just kept quiet at Night Cap did his thing.



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Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

"As far as a notary public, I'm pretty sure all would be closed for the day." the mare said. "But I know Curled Page can do it if you're headed to the library tomorrow."

"Ah, well I was panicked over the alarm, and Wander dragged me in here... and uh... I was kinda just asking him the same thing..." Symphony replies softly with a bow of her head as she passes the buck, while remaining mostly honest besides she couldn't lie to save her life...

Still in his own little world while sipping his tea, Static perked up and smiled a bit when she responded to him. "Convenient! Thank you."

"Ah, well I was panicked over the alarm, and Wander dragged me in here... and uh... I was kinda just asking him the same thing..." Symphony replies softly with a bow of her head as she passes the buck, while remaining mostly honest besides she couldn't lie to save her life...
With adrenaline roaring in his ears, Wanderlust is proud of how well he keeps his cool. "Now panicked is an understatement, darling!" He pulls Symphony close (and slightly farther from Chipotle Verde) in a protective gesture. "She was having a full on panic attack! She could hardly breathe! I wasn't certain she'd make it through the crowd, so I figured I'd pull her back over here and calm her down a smidge before leaving."


Wanderlust - Symphony

Chipotle Verde looked over the two before saying, "Very well, wouldn't want any little ponies to get hurt, would I?" She then calmly motioned a wing towards the exit. The kitchen had its own, presumably so the cooks wouldn't need to move through the crowds and due to the fact that the kitchen itself was the place a fire was most likely to start.



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Council of Elders
Symphony blushes a bit as Wander pulls her closer. "Ah yes, well now it seems like we'd better evacuate..." She replies softly, looking to Wander. Whatever her feelings on snooping were, it doesn't seem like that was happening now, and she certainly didn't want to upset this pony by not following their orders, that felt like it would be very bad.

Now Wanderlust might have been easily excitable, but they weren't stupid. They knew when they were caught, and they knew when they were getting a pass. "Yes, dear, let's go." He starts walking towards the exit.

Wanderlust - Symphony

After slipping out of the kitchen exit, Wanderlust and Symphony quietly made their way back to the hotel.

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Symphony

Once Wanderlust and Symphony made it back to the hotel rooms, an audible sigh of relief was heard. Dart Noveau picked them both up in a big hug and said, "Y'all had me worried something fierce! Glad to see you're okay." After putting them down, she asked, "Anypony want to start first?" Hazel Naught meekly raised a hoof. "I...I really hope something was found about that 'Red' character. He reminds me too much of the stallion my father lost the family fortune to. It's not him--that's not a face I'd forget--but it took a lot not to hide under the table. It's taking a lot not to hide under the bed right now. It makes me wonder why Brisk Iron even sent me..." "Whoa now. I ain't having none of that. You already spotted one swindler and having you here will help prevent Red from doing anything funny with the cards. But...

Yeah, I reckon Red might be a front page paper's worth of bad news. When I 'accidentally' bumped into him, his shoulder didn't feel solid. It was was like splashin' water without a splash! I don't know if it's him or his cloak or what but it kinda gives me the shivers thinking about it."

"We met, um, one Chipotle Verde." Wanderlust offers. "She owns the casino? She's...menacing. Just outright menacing. We still have our jobs, but she might be keeping a close eye on us."

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Symphony

Hazel Naught let out a quiet, "Oh dear. And according to that Grape Vine pony, she's supposedly in COIN, too." "You think we could take her in a scrap? Actually, hold off on that one." Dart Noveau pulled out her art supplies. "Describe her for me so we'll know who to look out for. Also, anypony else look like trouble? Verde, Prim, and a couple of bruisers look to be a problem but the rank and file casino employees seem like...they're just normal employees. Sound about right from what you saw in the back?"



Staff member
Council of Elders
Wanderlust quickly recounts the appearance of the boss of bosses.

Verde, Prim, and a couple of bruisers look to be a problem but the rank and file casino employees seem like...they're just normal employees. Sound about right from what you saw in the back?"

"Oh, definitely. Really nice ponies, honestly. We didn't talk much with the security detail, but they're probably meaner."

De Luge braced herself for the impact...



...but due to her opponent's shorter stature, she misjudged the point of impact, allowing the Masked Mystery Mare to easily take her down.

Scarlet grinned slightly as the conversation flowed.

”If it comes to a confrontation, i think barring any traps, we should be able to take down Verde and that stuck up mare, Prim.

Nodding to Hazel as she brought up ‘Red’, he added.

”I was hoping to catch ‘Red’ in a little wager as my parents have met ponies like him. Smoother than silk on the outside. More slinky than a snake on the inside. Sadly for me, the cards weren’t quite good enough. Although, with that other player beating us, it puts off his attempt to fish for secrets at least. If it c0mes to it, i could try to still play the freelancer and deflect his ‘Where do you work?’.

Dartys 5oght Hazel, you can spot things we might miss. The Chief knows what she’s doing. Just like everyponyelse here, she can see something in you that STOMP needs.

Plus, without you, i might actually have lost us money tonight,”
he added with a low chuckle and a smile

”It seems there’s a lot more to ‘Red’than being a smooth-talking inverted me.

It’s also nice to know that casino isn’t completely rottent. Still, it sounds like any more snooping you two might do will be a tad riskier from now on.”

"It already seemed risky with Wander wanting to snoop while the alarm was going off... If she had caught us in anywhere else, we might have been in real trouble..."

Misty - Maple (Flair)

The Masked Mystery Mare and Duchess De Luge went back and forth in a fairly even match until they heard the bell sound. They had actually gone on until time ran out. While the crowd seemed disappointed, the announcer quickly added, "To think that we got a match this good now, who knows how exciting it might be in a title bout!"

Upon heading back to the locker room, the Masked Mystery Mare found her path blocked by two figures. It was the tag team, Fiscal Irresponsibility! One asked, "What's up Soft Stone? Sure, it's a sweet gesture to do but about the only way I'd see a pony go that far is if something went really wrong."

"On the um... surface... it seemed like she might have been looking for stragglers... She um... spoke in spanish at first I guess thinking we were foreign and didn't understand the alarms?"



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Council of Elders
"Oh, hi... yeah, I guess you could say that. It seemed like it was just a split second panic choice that he instantly regretted.." Maple says with a smile.

Misty - Maple (Flair)

"I get getting nerves but...that's not what I'm asking. To do that kind of big announcement usually requires landing in big trouble. What I'm asking is--what happened?"

Scarlet (Darty - Hazel) AND Wanderlust - Symphony

Hazel Naught snorted in disbelief. "I doubt she's that altruistic but she might be covering her bases so an injury doesn't trace back to her. However...now that she's seen you two, I do believe it might make things more complicated."

"Well I'm not the best pony to ask about what goes on in a colt's head when he's in love, but my guess is in a moment of doubt he let fear in his head answer for him instead of sticking with the answer the love in his heart was telling him." Maple added... as she began moving again toward her locker.

"I'm sure If you want more specific details, I could maybe see about introducing everypony."

Misty - Maple (Flair)

"Oh, no need to go to the trouble. Have a nice night."

After getting their things, Maplejack, Misty Monsoon, and Flairvoyant left the stadium and eventually met back at the hotel. Dart Noveau quickly got the three of them up to speed on what had been discussed already and asked, "So what happened for all of y'all?"

Maple shrugged and looked a little sheepish...

"The um... what did you learn Flair? I didn't really see much of you today." Maple's eyes narrowed ... unless you're secretly Dutchess De Luge



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Council of Elders
Flairvoyant, who had been bouncing light between her small mirrors again, replied with, "Chatting things up with the crowd, it seems there's a rumor about treasure being buried under the city. This is good since that means that COIN didn't manage to stomp that out. What's bad is that, you know, it does seem to be dismissed as a rumor and old mare's tale. Wondering if we might fare better at city hall looking for maps instead of at the stadium itself. Of course...that means asking around. It would be less suspicious if we knew any locals who were willing to help look for us.

Oh, and I'd toss that poinsettia, Symphony. Or at least pack it away until you get back to the casino since it stands out if anypony is looking for you. It's pretty, though."

"Wow, good thing you found out something useful, I didn't find out anything good," Misty says, also looking sheepish.

"I did meet a couple locals who were really nice..." Maple smiled and wondered if they would still be using the private room at the stadium ...

"It sounds like it's time to dig deeper into the secrets that make up the very foundation of this town." Wanderlust looks around. "Anyone think their building is easy to break into and explore? I don't think we're going to get much farther acting as tourists."

Flairvoyant, who had been bouncing light between her small mirrors again, replied with, "Chatting things up with the crowd, it seems there's a rumor about treasure being buried under the city. This is good since that means that COIN didn't manage to stomp that out. What's bad is that, you know, it does seem to be dismissed as a rumor and old mare's tale. Wondering if we might fare better at city hall looking for maps instead of at the stadium itself. Of course...that means asking around. It would be less suspicious if we knew any locals who were willing to help look for us.

Oh, and I'd toss that poinsettia, Symphony. Or at least pack it away until you get back to the casino since it stands out if anypony is looking for you. It's pretty, though."

Symphony blinks softly with all that had gone one she'd forgotten... "Oh yes.. um.. well... While I was... um... 'working'... two customers asked me if I knew anything about the hidden treasure rumor. They didn't really seem to have more idea then... uh.. what we have, but... yeah... its something ponies are still aware of as Flair says..." She says softly and then blinks again having forgotten about that as well. "Oh! Um... Well yeah... I suppose it does..." She blushes softly and magics it out of her hair setting the flower aside for now.



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Council of Elders
Flairvoyant replied, "Without being backstage, I'd have no clue with the stadium. I am wondering something, though. Just what do you think Verde's mindset is going to be about you two? Is she the type to be more suspicious if you show back up for work again...or is she going to be more on edge if you don't? Just wondering if we need to shake things up slightly with who is where. Me, Misty, and Maple won't be recognized if we show up at the casino.


Actually, they might not ever recognize Maple at all if she's up to it..."

OuO "Secret mission mode?" Maple grins from ear to ear... and then begins digging in her pack. "I Knew keeping this coin uniform would come in handy someday."

Wanderlust takes a moment to consider the question. "...I think we should go back to work. She didn't overtly chastise us or anything. We certainly still have our jobs. And after the stunt I pulled today, it would be awfully suspicious to stop showing up to work. Plus..." He shrugs. "We're known faces at this point. The two of us aren't getting back into the casino any other way."

"Yeah... I suppose that is true..." Symphony says with a faint huff. "We probably don't have much choice in the matter..."

Flairvoyant seemed confused by the outfit Maplejack pulled out.
"Oh...um, actually Maple I meant your shapeshifting."

"Oh right... that..." Maple starts repacking away the uniform

"Sorry about that. Did you have any ideas? If you think you can get in that way, that might work but if they aren't expecting anypony, you might stand out in that uniform. Still, I figure we either have somepony sneak in or we try to get more info somehow."



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Council of Elders
Dart Noveau then said, "Hey wait a minute, you're a wrestler. You can actually hide in plain sight in the casino. Since there are rumors, ponies might open up to you in ways they won't with the rest of us. Besides, y'all didn't find anything suspicious at all in the stadium while we know that Verde is COIN and there's something up with 'Red'. Either way, it's been a long day so it might be best for us to hit the hay and rest up for tomorrow."

Will they have a peaceful night's rest or is this a prelude to resting in pieces? Tune! in next time folks for more of the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour!

*static crackle*

*static crackle*

Good evening folks! It's time for another exciting Saturday night with the Equestrian Radio Show's Adventure Variety Hour! This week we once again bring you to the explorative exploits of the Explorers of STOMP. Last time, the team split in two to handle two different mysteries. The first set out for the quiet mysteries of Louisianeigh as they followed the trail left by Dazzling Midnight. The other was under the glitz and glamour of Fiesta Caldera as they sought the possible location of a magic wand. After a night's rest, each team now has their respective challenges ahead of them.

When she woke up, Misty Monsoon got a twitch in her tail as she had...a hunch. There was this feeling that they dodged something previously but something big was going to happen that morning. Something bad. But she just couldn't place a hoof on what it would be.

Elsewhere, the clock struck 6:10AM as Static Signal and Night Cap heard a knock on the door. It was room service with their morning coffee. Behind the room service pony was Square Fun who was munching on some toast as he waved hello.

*groggily.... "Missstteee, utailzall twicheee... itssz tikkles mhihufz." maple rolls over and end up face down in a pillow with 5 limbs akimbo and one frazzle-feathered wing sticking straight up.

Static, complete with bed hair, opened the door. "Oh, I love you!" He takes the coffee in hoof and holds it up adoringly. "Marry me you beautiful creature!"

He sighs and gets more serious, offering the room service pony a tip. And handing Night Cap his own cup. "Thank you very much!" He then looks behind the room service pony to Square Fun. "Mornin', Square. This is just to get us out the door. I still plan on having a decent breakfast out. Just gotta comb my mane and get the turtle shell on my back and we should be ready to go." He tasted the coffee as he moved. Not the best, not the worst. He expected better at whatever restaurant they had breakfast at. "Any suggestions for breakfast?" he asks the room service pony.



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Council of Elders
Twitch, twitch.

"Okay, stop."

Twitch, twitch.

"I said, stop!"


"Don't even..."




Misty sighs and gets out of bed. Perhaps a nice breakfast would calm her anxious feelings about the day ahead.

Misty - Symphony (Flair)

Flairvoyant waved as Misty Monsoon got up. She was looking over a pamphlet of the town attractions. "Good morning! Sleep well?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Square Fun commented, as he subtly cut the room service pony off, "Keen figures there's two options for breakfast this morning. She's over in the next room finishing up her morning inventory so maybe we should head over there..."

Symphony stretches as she gets up, being much more a morning person then her sister is. "So... um... what's fro breakfast?" She asks as she looks over to Flair as she finishes making her bed. She knows their is maid service, but why should some pony else be put out because of her?

Misty - Symphony (Flair)

Flairvoyant set the pamphlet down and said, "I was just about to run down and see what the hotel was offering. You two coming along? Maybe we'll overhear something that'll give us a heads up to what's going on."

"Oh, I slept alright, I guess. Not used to sleeping in a nice bed like this though. And I woke up feeling weird about the day ahead..."

She brightens up when Symphony and Flair begin discussing breakfast. "Yes, definitely! I'll keep an ear out."



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Council of Elders
Symphony smiles and nods. "Anything that results in food, is good at the moment Miss Flair." She replies and then looks over to Misty, cocking her head a bit. "Weird how?"

"Well, I don't want to worry anypony, but... it kinda felt like... something big was about to happen." She suddenly shivers. "Yeah, just call it a hunch..."

Sym blinks a bit. "Oh... um.. well... Maybe we should stay and order in then...?" She states softly as she eyes her bed, idly wondering if she'll fit under there.

Misty - Symphony (Flair)

"I say destinies and hunches are what you make of them." Flairvoyant then nervously looked around. "But maybe it'll be safer if the three of us stick together as we get food."

Flairvoyant waved as Misty Monsoon got up. She was looking over a pamphlet of the town attractions. "Good morning! Sleep well?"

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Square Fun commented, as he subtly cut the room service pony off, "Keen figures there's two options for breakfast this morning. She's over in the next room finishing up her morning inventory so maybe we should head over there..."

"Sounds good to me, Static says, taking another long drink of his coffee. "She probably knows the best places. Can't wait to get the day started. I'm starving! He takes another long drink of his coffee, looks down at his cup and pouts. "Few things sadder than an empty coffee cup."



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Council of Elders
Night Cap starts perking up. His eyes are almost completely open for a change. It could be the coffee starting to work its magic. Or-

"I'm excited about this. I don't think I've had a proper big breakfast since...that pancake breakfast the day we left for Nightmare Heights."

"Let's make this count."


At the loud ‘THUNK!’ Scarlets body jumped into the air. His eyes then popped open and he looked around worriedly.

”Who am I? Where am? What’s going—oh?”

Slowly, his mind replayed yesterdays events. This was not his room, it was a hotel room in Fiesta Caldera. The same room he had gone to sleep in. Feeling a mixture of relief at not dream walking and sadness at knowing that said dream walking did, somehow, bring him closer to Rain. Scarlet slowly settled back on the bed. A string of loud groans alerted him that his roommate was awake and not a morning colt. With an understanding sigh, Scarlet relaxed and leaned back...

”Morning Wandeeeeeaaaaashhhh!!!”

...and promptly fell backwards of the edge of his bed! With his own resounding ‘THUNK!’ Scarlet found himself looking up...down(?)... at the room.


Maple (Darty - Hazel)

As Maplejack started to stir, she could hear Dart Noveau and Hazel Naught talking. "Quit pacing so much, you'll wear a hole in the carpet...or wake Maple." "Sorry. I'm just so worried about what might happen today. I wish I could have a fraction of the Chief Director's bravery right about now."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Moving over into the next room, Static Signal and Night Cap found Keen Craft with her hairband and a variety of tools neatly arranged on the bed. With it off of her head, it could now be seen that her hairband had ruler markings on the inside edge. "So honey, you had ideas about breakfast..." "Ah, yes. I figure we have two good options. The first is eating here at the hotel. Square already checked things out and it seems to be a decent selection. Plus, it would be faster so we'd have more time for today's business. The other choice...is the spot Square ate at when he spotted Dazzling Midnight. It would allow us to scope out the location for anything left behind and keep our ears open in case somepony casually mentions something. We're literally here on a business trip for the museum so there's no need to try to invent a cover story. And he said the food was good so it wouldn't actually be a bust if we don't discover anything else."

"My vote is for where Square ate, for all the reasons you mentioned plus I'd just love to see the spot where Dazzling tossed around that guy who was rude to the waiter. Plus Night Cap and I have already had the coffee here. Not bad, but if we can get better..." Static mostly threw that last bit in to try and convince Night Cap. He hated to be all business all the time, but this mission in particular was just way too personal for Static. He couldn't help but want to work this problem 24/7.

And hey, if Night Cap gets better food and coffee in the process, so much the better!

Static smiled to himself.

[Yeah, I'm good!]



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Council of Elders
Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Once Keen Craft collected her things, the group set off. They found it was a cozy little outdoor eatery with only a few early risers seated at individual tables. Delectable aromas wafted outside from the kitchen. Square Fun briefly pointed with his horn towards the lone waitress serving a table. "That's her." After finishing, she walked up to the group and cheerfully asked, "Table for four?"

"Yes, four please," Static says while looking around and seeing if he could see any signs of the scuffle.


He considers asking her point blank about the incident, but decides against it for now. They were going to be here for a while. There'd be time to talk with her more naturally without just dropping it on her first thing. Meanwhile, he wanted to see what he could observe for himself.

Wanderlust rubs the sleep out of his eyes and successfully makes out an upside-down Scarlet. He smiles. "If I have to wake up in a mysterious room next to anyone this often, I suppose I'm glad it's you." The metaphysical (but not the romantic) implications of his statement become clear a moment later. "Not that this an unexpected waking! This is exactly the room I fell asleep in."

Static - Night Cap (Square - Keen)

Static Signal didn't see any obvious signs from the prior scuffle. He did know that since there wasn't much destruction, it might have been cleaned up quickly. Of course, that was just obvious signs.

Once the waitress sat the group down, she said,
"Here are your menus. Did anypony already know what they wanted this morning?"

"Good morning, oh and my yes- please mind the carpet tee hee...I should be up anyway. Thank you for letting me sleep in though." Maple smiles... or rather tries to but is unsuccessful as the muscles of her face decide to yawn instead.

"I think a normal portion of Hazel bravery will be just fine today." Maple says, making it over to the other mare for a hug... with only one of the bedsheets dragging along behind her (hooked on a hoof)



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Council of Elders
Maple (Darty - Hazel)

Hazel Naught happily accepted the hug. "Thank you, Maple. I do believe I needed that." "Well, one good hug deserves another!" And Dart Noveau joined in for a group hug. "Alright! Ready to head down to breakfast? I want to head down before it all gets eaten up."

"Well, keep the coffee coming. That's just a given," Static replies. "As for food, I know what I'd order if I were back home. But part of being in a new city is trying things you'd never think of before. So I think I'll defer to Square's judgement."

Even though he didn't see anything out of place immediately, Static looked around as the still interested in the place. "Forgive my curiosity, but I heard there was some excitement recently. The place really seems to have cleaned up nicely."

"Well, this was enough for me, also I had a big dinner last night... but I'll go with you two if you want." Maple says, winking at the other two ponies... making a joke about something awkward...was supposed to help- right? she thought she'd learned that somewhere... or heard it from somepony... griffin... cow? Was it a cow? Cow felt right... hmm, well at least now she had something to think about while others were eating she guessed.

Misty - Symphony (Flair)

"I say destinies and hunches are what you make of them." Flairvoyant then nervously looked around. "But maybe it'll be safer if the three of us stick together as we get food."

Symphony nods softly. "Yes, I suppose that might work..." She replies "Unless then we all get kidnapped together and then this just becomes one big rescue mission..."


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