Pony Comic Book Thread-IDW is Party Canon


Staff member
Council of Elders
It's probably a good idea for IDW to focus on shorter stories for now.

I still plan to get caught up. My go-to comic store is just really out of the way. I have to plan a whole day around it.


Well-known member



I guess we have our next miniseries. Izzy...care to comment?

And, yes...Amy Mebberson aka the artist behind the Milkyway and Discord arcs will be doing this, too. And clearly, from the panel above from the 40th Anniversary Special, she's probaby a fan of the equus aquaticus, as well.



Well-known member
September Solicitations are out, which means we get a look at the next MLP miniseries.

That's a face that tells a story, right there.

Plus, it sounds like this mini will have art from Andy Price, which is always a treat.

But more interesting that, actually is the text.

Because from the sounds of things...this is going to be a crossover with G4.

Now, they don't say what kind of crossover this will be. Given the "storm" in the name, I have to wonder if this will have something to do with either Wendigos or the Storm King from the movie. But, we don't really get any hints.

Still, kind of interesting. And these writers and artists have a MUCH deeper history with G4 than they did with G1. So, this crossover might be quite a bit better than the Generations miniseries. Something to keep a eye on, at least.


Staff member
Council of Elders
G4 must have been a really important cash cow for IDW, because they cannot let it go.

But I'm okay with it. If I had any expectations that this storyline would matter to any ongoing events, I would hate the idea. More than any other gen crossover, it is wrong when G5 characters get to meet G4 characters. The ship has sailed, but it's still wrong. Buuuuut as an inconsequential miniseries that's just for fun, I'm willing to just enjoy the 'what if' fun of seeing these characters play off each other. That's what crossovers are for, and IDW knows these characters well enough to do it right.

I assume 'storm' here primarily refers to Zipp Storm, and any story where she takes the lead is bound to be a good time.

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