[IC] Mey Hem: Submitted For Your Disapproval (cont.)


Nonstop Baaka
EB couldn't help but be impressed when the little pawny took down Luci.
"Good job, Cappy." Looking at his friends, they all looked in bad shape. He probably didn't look so great l, either. Healing would have to wait. He went to the door and kicked at it.
Roll : 1d20 + 15: 7, + 15, TOTAL: 22


Pittied fools.
Dee and EB's triumphant blows cracked the door into large chunks. However, the rubble would need to be pushed aside to allow anyone through. Especially in the near darkness of the hall and lab.

Meanwhile, Sue'zhan searched along the wall until finding a panel. "Omega Knight, I need your help. The panel here needs to be opened and I need someone to connect wires to different ports while I work on the coding. We've got very little time to pull this off."

Technology DC 15 - best two out of three


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Technology Roll DC 15
Roll 1=8
Roll 2=9
Roll 3=13

Oh come on dice roller! Gonna use my +10 Hero point to push that 13 up to a 23.

Pulling out his O-Tool, Omega set to work prying open the access panel. He also handed Sue/zhan his wand torch, so they at least had some light to work with. Once done, he eyed the mass of wires.

”Ready when you are.”


Active member
Patch was slowly losing consciousness, but the rush and sound of activity around her told her that the job wasn't quite done. Rolling her head around, she could see Kage fumbling with something. If only there was something I could do to help...

Then, she spotted the mathematical tome lying open on the ground nearby. The heading on the page read PROBABILITY.

"Ah... that gives me an idea for a spell."

Granting a Hero Point to one of Kage's other rolls.


Pittied fools.
Sue'zhan rapidly gave instructions to Kage as she hacked into the system and...like magic...Kage knew just the right wires to reroute. As EB and Dee pulled aside slabs of the broken door, they could see some sort of light quickly moving through the previously dark tunnel. As it approached, they could see it was Friday projecting light like a blank film projector and behind her was Elizilah. As they raced into the room, Elizilah panted, "Is everything ready?" Sue'zhan replied, "As ready as we're gonna be." Elizilah paused to catch her breath and then announced, "Computer: As a high ranking YPNR official, I, Chief Librarian Elizilah, order that the REMOVE program be halted and operations return to normal. Once normal operations return, delete the REMOVE program."

Everyone could feel something change and then silence. Then, the lights slowly began to turn back on.

Sue'zhan slowly slumped against the wall with tears of joy streaming down her face. "We did it. It's finally over." "Well...there's one last thing..." Friday said as she motioned to where Monday was still standing.


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Kage felt a little strange after the frantic rewiring work. Though he was pretty good with the tech, the speed and ease with which he’d done the work had been...almost instinctive. As if he’d known what to do, before he did it.

”It’s a kind of Magic,” he murmured as he stood and stretched. Then he turned to the others as Friday spoke.

”Yes, it is,” he said in response to Night. “At least, I’d like to think so. We need to free Monday from system control. So she is no longer forced to obey orders, whether she wants or not. Especially remove control from Lucidas, 251 and the Chief Apothacery. In fact, or there a way to remove them from the system altogether. YPNR would be better off without them.”

More to himself than anyone else, Kage mused. “Does 251 even have a name?”


Pittied fools.
"It's...hmm," Elizilah pondered. "I don't recall off hand. I remember when she was younger and visited the library more often but not her actual name. Somewhat embarrassing, really. If Correspondent 251 is awake, maybe you can ask her directly."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Surprised that anyone had heard him, Kage cocked his head at Elizalah.

”I wonder what changed to make her want to be a part of all this. Either way, can you free Monday from any and all existing commands?”

Looking over, he saw Destron return to where Patch lay and, while he was half-tempted to check on them first, Kage held off for now. Instead, he walked over to where Correspondant 251 lay, slightly apart from the other two trussed up YPNR agents.. Crouching down, he spoke softly.

”Correspondant 251. What’s your name?”


Pittied fools.
"I wish Elizilah had the power to alter my commands," Monday grumbled in frustration to Kage. "The Chief Apothecary pretty deliberately kept Elizilah out of the highest level of access to me and what little exists is from my own attempts to alter my code."

After Kage crouched down, Correspondent 251 responded, "I don't remember my name. But with all the work I had to process, remembering my birth name is unimportant." Her comment wasn't groggy at all, so she clearly had been conscious for a while.

I'm assuming Kage ungagged Correspondent 251 after he asked his question.
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The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Kage let out a frustrated sigh As he turned away from 251 to look back at Monday.

”We’re going to have to find a workaround, because I doubt that egotistical Apothacery is going to listen to reason.“

Turning back to 251, he said.

“How sad.

So your devotion to your work is so strong you literally abandoned everything else about yourself? The cold logic of your attitude makes sense now.

One wonders how much you could‘ve achieved if you‘d actually put heart and soul into something good. Not genetic manipulation, psychological control, kidnapping and mass destruction.”

While he spoke, Kage had taken note of 251s alertness.

“How long have you been awake, 251?”
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Pittied fools.
"At least as long as you've arrived in Jezejandra's lab," Correspondent 251 replied. "I have to admit, I didn't know Elizilah didn't have any sort of administrative access to Monday. That feels unwise considering her worth to YPNR."


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Both concerned and intrigued that 251 had been awake since they’d entered the lab, yet had not attempted to do anything, Kage mulled over her reply.


Makes sense to me. Of all of YPNRs higher ups, she’s the only one of you with any decent morals. The fact that she immediately deleted your death cannon ‘REMOVE’ program, means she would never have gone along with obliterating an entire nation of innocents—on the off chance that it might do something—had she known about it beforehand.

Trying so hard to control everything, including your emotions, has left you very hollow.”

Standing, the Knight looked to his allies.

”So then, how can we free Monday?”

Destron D-69

"With Haste and renewed strength... My people are free of this monstrous doom, I will not fail to reciprocate." Destron said, her fist to the sky (ala the breakfast club ending) ..."Though at the moment, I am not the one for whom the goddesses have blessed with any notion of how to do so." she added, with far less volume and bravado


The Omega Knight Returns!
Staff member
Council of Elders
Seeing Destron’s raised fist, Kage raised his own in response and smiled. Then gave a jaunty salute.

Focusing back on the matter at hand, Kage mused on what to do next.

”Is there any way to cheat the system and give somebody else that authority? A way to break that code. Hmm.

I’m also beginning to feel like we should land this Flying Fortress. I’m not sure why, but I feel like talking this thing out of the sky will prevent any attempt to use it for any other forms of attack.”

Then he moved over to where Patch lay and Destron guarded.

”Are you ok? Do you think you ‘re up to trying any more magic?”


Active member
Patch opened one eye to look up at Kage. "I feel like I'm half dead and my magical reserves are nearly spent. But if there's still something I can do..."

With a pained grunt, she struggled to lift herself off the floor and back to her feet.

Destron D-69

Destron remained ready to aid her comrade should she ask, or if required... but left Patch the space to muster and test her own resolve.

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