But here's Quake, a retool from Skullgrin. Both Targetmasters are included, and I dare say that Quake is a DRAMATIC improvement over Skullgrin's lackluster vehicle mode.
Introducing Legacy United Quake accompanied by his Target Masters Tiptop and Heater!
I’m very glad we could finally complete the Decepticon double target master trio collection. I’ll post more in hand shots of this guy later today so you can really get a sense of how this guy fits in with the rest!
He was a partial which was challenging due to having the target masters fit in the plan. But I felt they were a must have as somtimes in the past we weren’t able to find a way to fit them in. I really love the robot design attributes of the target master dudes, it was also challenging trying to figure out how to get these guys in there right color deco’s.
The deets for this bad boy are as follows: utilizing the Skullgrin mold foe the partial which really gave him the size he needed to fit alongside Needlenose and Spinister. He has multiple different attachement places for the blast effect compatible target masters. His blast effect compatible turret can swivel with articulation upwards for the cannon. Colors and look are accurate to his character persona. His tank is more of a Sherman speeder tank with attributes of the abrams, mostly details.
(Sources: - https://www.instagram.com/p/C8FCU5OO5WG/ andhttps://tfwiki.net/wiki/Quake_(G1) )