Recent content by Donocropolis

  1. Donocropolis

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    I'm not a huge Stormbringer Bludgeon fan or anything, but I do appreciate that they went so different from the baseline release. If I'm going to buy a same-character redeco of someone I already have, I would much rather have something like this than just a slightly improved paint job.
  2. Donocropolis

    Transformers Legacy toyline

    Hmm..I'll have to check mine. I got it the other day, but due to everything I've ordered in the last 6 months all arriving within the span of like 3 days, I haven't gotten around to checking them out yet.
  3. Donocropolis

    Studio Series discussion

    But Rumble is messy. How will they possibly get along as they share an apartment?
  4. Donocropolis

    Transformers: One - New Animated Prequel coming September 20th, 2024 - New Toy Official Images!

    I'm wanting to get a Sentinel to use as Nominus Prime. I believe the leaks have revealed an upcoming Voyager version of him, right?
  5. Donocropolis

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Just got notified that Pulse charged me for mine, so I would expect them to ship within a day or two.
  6. Donocropolis

    image testing

  7. Donocropolis

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Mirage was beautiful. Though I think Crasher and Drag Strip wear the mold even better.
  8. Donocropolis

    BotCon 2024: The 30th Wreckoning

    Sadly, not me. I had hoped to go, as this was the first time there was a con halfway close to where I live, but life got in the way.
  9. Donocropolis

    A Long Time Ago In a Galaxy Far, Far Away.... - Star Wars General Discussion

    I played KOTOR on PC, which was my only exposure to Cortosis. In that version, it didn't short out sabers, but lightsabers couldn't cut through it, so that a traditional sword made out of it could dual against someone with a lightsaber.
  10. Donocropolis

    Post Pictures of your Transformers, Let's see 40 years worth of Transformers!

    Prime and Bumblebee were the high points of the line. There were a lot of good molds in Classics (and some not so good) but those two remain some of the best toys we've ever gotten of the characters.
  11. Donocropolis

    Post-War Transformers Conflict: Sports?

    Depends on the continuity, too. Some settings have Decepticons as a group existing in some more morally neutral form before being taken over by Megatron.
  12. Donocropolis

    Studio Series discussion

    Only Perceptor is a Deluxe. Ramhorn I'm guessing will be a full Core class like Steeljaw, and Ratbat is 1/2 of the old micromaster two-pack. I may be misremembering, but I think those sold for somewhere between core and deluxe price? Like $15?
  13. Donocropolis

    Studio Series discussion

    He's coming in a three pack with Perceptor and Ratbat.
  14. Donocropolis

    Welcome to The Allspark!

    So did my wife. We still have her old Intellivision and have played it on occasion.

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